


Hi all,

Has anyone used Freetrack for head tracking in FS2004?
I just got it and spent some time building the hardware (IR LEDs mounted to a ball cap and webcam with IR filter removed) all I can say is WOW!
The latest version allows 6DOF and once you get it tweaked a bit it really works rather well. Until I can afford to buy TrackIR, this setup is definately staying as part of my FS experience.
Not bad at all for freeware!

I have a self-built headset clip (3 LEDs), but the webcam I bought was crap, so it's just dusting away at the moment.
Well, after playing with this thing for a few days now, I have to say I don't know how I was able to fly without head tracking before. Flying patterns is just so much more natural when you can look around and get visual points of reference. I tried a couple of patterns at my local airport without the tracking today and I had a really hard time finding the airport:costumes: and I know the local topography quite well.
If you haven't tried head tracking in FS I strongly advise you to check out Freetrack and/or TrackIR as this really improves the realism of the whole experience.

Back to flying,
UPS left a Track IR on the doorstep about 2 weeks ago and I've already asked it to marry me..........
For those who are looking for a cheap alternative to Track IR this product is not that cheap.

Yes the software is Freeware and you may own all the hardware but the LED's to make it but the time involved is incredible.

The instructions are not that great and I have found two different sets of instructions on how to set up the LEDs with the resistors and two different forms to calculate which resistors you need.

I have a whole day invested in creating this monstrosity which includes buying another camera because I did not want to cannibalize (remove the IR filter) from my good one. Removing the IR filter pretty much scrapes out the camera. It still works but every thing in the camera is washed out with light.

I now have to scrape my diode set up because it just is not working I can get it to see no less than 4 LEDs when I only set up 3. I can not figure out where the other point of light is coming from....

Maybe I am just too bright. :costumes:

Now that I am into it I am going to try and get it working but this is not an economical alternative to purchasing Track IR. Unless you want to spend days getting it to work. Myself had I know how long it would take I would have lived with out head tracking longer until I can afford to purchase Track IR and that purchase comes after some much needed other hardware.
I'm still trying, with the key word here being trying, to save for TrackIR. I believe it would really add more realism to the FS experience....
For those who are looking for a cheap alternative to Track IR this product is not that cheap.

Yes the software is Freeware and you may own all the hardware but the LED's to make it but the time involved is incredible.

The instructions are not that great and I have found two different sets of instructions on how to set up the LEDs with the resistors and two different forms to calculate which resistors you need.

I have a whole day invested in creating this monstrosity which includes buying another camera because I did not want to cannibalize (remove the IR filter) from my good one. Removing the IR filter pretty much scrapes out the camera. It still works but every thing in the camera is washed out with light.

I now have to scrape my diode set up because it just is not working I can get it to see no less than 4 LEDs when I only set up 3. I can not figure out where the other point of light is coming from....

Maybe I am just too bright. :costumes:

Now that I am into it I am going to try and get it working but this is not an economical alternative to purchasing Track IR. Unless you want to spend days getting it to work. Myself had I know how long it would take I would have lived with out head tracking longer until I can afford to purchase Track IR and that purchase comes after some much needed other hardware.

I found a very easy solution: a bycicle light. It comes with three leds, just extend their wires along the frame you'd like (requires a bit of soldering) and presto. No fiddling with power supplies, resistances and all that. Just change the battery after a while.
I understand your problem with the IR filter. I'm pretty sure that's not necessary if you play in a dark enough room. Unfortunately my simming machine is in an incredibly bright room , but I too am reluctant to vandalise the webcam, so I can only use freetrack at night.
A large effort but success

I will be the first to admit that I tend to go over board on some of the things I do. Such was the case with my first 3 point cap I made.

Now I took the KISS principle and applied it to the cap and this is much better.

I still have the learning curve that you will hear many who have Track IR talk about but it is functioning now with only a few small bugs to work out.

The three point cap I made consists of 3 High Output IR LEDs, wire red and black, 1 22 OHM resistor (connected to the Positive wire) all from Radio Shack. Mitel cap from Mitel School 2005 finaly going to use it.


My camera is a Microsoft Lifecam VX-3000 I chose it because it is fairly cheap and the reviews stated that the IR Filter was easy to remove. The IR filter was indeed easy to remove. The visible light filter I put on the camera is a cut out from a 3.5 floppy disk (yes I still have them).




What settings are you using in your FS2004 profile?
Hey Dave,

Glad you got it sorted. Here are some screenies of my settings, hope they help.


My wife already thinks I spend too much time on the sim. Can just see her reaction seeing me wearing that!

You can get it in two attaches to the brim of a baseball cap, the other to your headset/mike. I went with the hat mode.
The "old lady" hasn't said a word !!!

I think she prefers me at home at night (flying ) instead of getting on my motorcycle and hittin' the biker bars.

For sure a good starting point

I left "No Backward Z movement" unchecked it really is necessary in the VC.

Other than that those settings help.

I still have a strange point of light that shows up. Like the LED lens is acting like a prizim. Moving the slider to elimiate helps but makes the points smaller.



For sure a good starting point

I left "No Backward Z movement" unchecked it really is necessary in the VC.

Other than that those settings help.

I still have a strange point of light that shows up. Like the LED lens is acting like a prizim. Moving the slider to elimiate helps but makes the points smaller.



Here's acouple of tips for you about your LED,s.

Use an emery board or small file to flatten out the domed ends. This will widen the angle of the beam and make the tracking much better.

After you flatten the LED ends, wrap the sides of them right up to the flat end with electrical tape or shrink tubing. This will get rid of the extra points that your camera is picking up.

Does Freetrack or Track IR work with those 3D viewing glasses? It would be cool to have the glasses along with the glasses as it would be like really moving your head and really looking.

Not that I have seen anywhere


Stupid me I assumed I needed to use the FSUIPC interface to talk to FS2004

all I can say is WOW

What a difference.

I still need to file the LEDs but it keeps getting better and better. :applause:

Now I need to load the options to make it work with CFS3:friday: