Freeware Aircraft of the 'Great War'

Matt Wynn

Charter Member
hi all i'm hunting for freeware aircraft of the 1914-18 period, i have the recently released Nieuport and am on the hunt for more, it really wet my appetite, is there any y'all can reccommend? thanks in advance...
thanks Stephan, has a few of the major ones i was looking for Pfalz DIIIa and whats more..... paint templates too, many thanks! hopefully as well this thread will give others a chance to experience the glory days of aviation, from 1914-1950 aviation tech developed rapidly, and still is being refined nearly 100 years on, its that eureka moment... a lot of modern aircraft can trace their lineage back to this period...

so for all of you who haven't tried a ww1 beauty... give it a go, theres nothing to lose :wiggle:
Here's a couple....

Simtech Fokker DR1 (grab it before its' gone)
Simtech SPAD (as above)
Robbie Bruce's Bristol Fighter
Dave Eckerts' Sopwith Camel
Airco Dh 2 (can't remember author right now)


hi all i'm hunting for freeware aircraft of the 1914-18 period, i have the recently released Nieuport and am on the hunt for more, it really wet my appetite, is there any y'all can reccommend? thanks in advance...

Hi Smoothie,
You can try also my Ansaldo S.V.A.5, You can find the whole package, paintkit and updates here at SOH. Cazzie has made many liveries for it.
Don't overlook NCGent's TopFlightSimulation aircraft. Chris has a nice selection of early/vintage aircraft. They are "payware" but so cheap that the "pay" part is almost non-existent. You can check them out on

The Airco DH2 is a freeware plane by NCGent, and can be found in the FS2004 library here. Don't forget to grab the gauge pack that goes along with the DH2.

I forgot about the Simtech planes....need to grab them before they are gone.

Wheres Cazzie or Roger, when ya need em ?

Duh, like you rang!

Let's see:

Covered and got: Michel's Nieuport 17.


Stuart Green:

WW I era for FS9:


Sopwith Coocoo

Felixstowe F2a

Sopwith Snipe


Caudron G.4



Albatross D.III

Fokker D.VII


Pfalz D.IIIa

Two DH-2s are available, one from Chris Herrings' TopFlightSimulation (NC Gent here at SOH) and one from Craig Richard's Classic Wings site: A Sopwith Tabloid is also available from Craig's site.

Chris Herrings' site has many very cheap payware WW I aircraft: Bristol Monoplane, Sopwith 1 and 1/2 Strutter, DH-4 and DH-9.

Two WW I aircraft can be found on the same page at Simviation, the combined efforts of
Karl-Heinz Klotz, Dave Eckert, Finn Neuik, Horst Weingärtner and CMSR, and Mike Huang's Fokker E.III and Stephen O'Leary Bristol Scout C.

Steve's Sopwith pup can also be found there:

Mentioned has been Robert's exquisite Bristol "Brisfit".

Stiz's Avro 504K.

Stuart Green has a converted SE-5 available here in a tri-pack.

Dave's super Camel, Frank's tripes, both Sopwith and Fokker. Bill Lyon's Zep. Ted Cook's Salamander and Dolphin.

And last but not least Manuele Villa's wonderful set of SVA-5 and SVA-9 aircraft.

Loys of repaints by us ourhouse members too for any and all, follow our names in the SOH search portal.

Follow the other threads Grasshopper, there are so many and I am so old! :isadizzy:

But WW I is my mileiu.


Hope I don't over indulged!








