Freeware DHC-2?

Matt Wynn

Charter Member
anyone know of a good one? my searching so far hasn't really turned much up that catches the eye...:salute:
I always recommend Aerosoft for the Beaver. There Fs9 one is excellent like there FSX Beaver. As to freeware have you tried Premier Aircraft?
The best freeware DHC-2 going is by John Woodward. No 2D panel comes with the plane...but the VC is nice. The plane has been a long time project of mine...meaning: A long time ago I started tweaking it, doing paints for it...then got distracted by other projects...then lost the project in a HD crash...then got back into it from scratch again. Let me check and see where I am with the project. I know at one point I had the 2D panel from the FSX Beaver in place, had the glass tweaked and even tweaked the specular shine and given the plane full reflective texturing. I have a nice detailed paint kit done for the plane...but unfortunately, the way the doors are mapped makes painting the plane with stripes and multi-colors a pain in the butt.


Just took the Beavers for a flight. 2D panel from the FSX Beaver is in place, MDL is tweaked, flight dynamics are tweaked. The interior still needs repainted to match the 2D panel...the paint templates are done, just need to sling color.

I sent a couple e-mails to John to get permission to upload the tweaked package but never heard back from him. Will try again.
I have a nice detailed paint kit done for the plane...but unfortunately, the way the doors are mapped makes painting the plane with stripes and multi-colors a pain in the butt.

Sold! fire it over :icon_lol: i'm sure i can refine the kit further :icon_lol: reflective textures would be nice indeedy... gotta love banking in and watching the light dance across the metal... i've just pretty much finished a detailed paintkit (Rudder & Decals and a few rogue rivet lines to do and sort) for J.E. Narcizo's T-6, shame on that model the pilots hand sticks outside the Fuselage but hey, i fly her for the joy of it...

The Beavers were being attached to an e-mail to you before I even saw your reply...I just thought I'd go ahead and send them....Will zip up my layered Photoshop 7 paint template with a set of UV maps.


The Beavers were being attached to an e-mail to you before I even saw your reply...I just thought I'd go ahead and send them....Will zip up my layered Photoshop 7 paint template with a set of UV maps.


Thanks buddy :ernae:
all received and setting to work... hope the guy lets you upload your model tweaks....:ernae: again, many thanks buddy...
just updating your Paintkit buddy, making it really 'pop' as I think the kids these days would say.... will send it back once i have it nailed :)

EDIT: Sneaky peek of the fuselage, Tailboom area...