Freeware Fairchild FC-2W2


SOH Staff
Saw this at Flightsim .....

FS2002/FS2004/FSX Fairchild FC-2W2

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Name: Size: 9,007,857 Date: 11-14-2008
FS2002/FS2004/FSX Fairchild FC-2W2 landplane. Part 1 of the Early Fairchild Series. Original Gmax model by James Hefner, with some parts and textures from the Microsoft FS2004 SDK. Flight dynamics, effects, and panel design by Jim Douglass, using Microsoft gauges. Sound by Aaron R. Swindle of Skysong Soundworks. Install by Hunter D. Ames.

... Cheers! Mike :wavey:
It's "Golden Age" and downloading right now. Will snugly fix in a GW3 hager soon. Thanks flyboy. :ernae:

I d/l this an tried using the installer and in both cases(FS9 and FSX) it tells me it can't find them??????:banghead:
No problem with FS9 install here. Nice model, looks nice, flies very nice. Beautiful old classic. He says more versions to come.

This plane comes with an installer that has somehow been set up to deny us the opportunity to select the destination of the install!

When I reached the point where the next click should've brought up the box where you select the folder to install to, instead it started, without warning, and installed directly into my FS9 folder.

I have no way to tell what gages, effects or whatever else, it may have overwritten.

The authors provide no contact information in their documentation, so I can't even ask them what they may have done to my system.

I can't believe someone would set up an installer that way, without even a warning in the documentation!

This takes "install at your own risk" to a new level!

This plane comes with an installer that has somehow been set up to deny us the opportunity to select the destination of the install!

When I reached the point where the next click should've brought up the box where you select the folder to install to, instead it started, without warning, and installed directly into my FS9 folder.

I have no way to tell what gages, effects or whatever else, it may have overwritten.

The authors provide no contact information in their documentation, so I can't even ask them what they may have done to my system.

I can't believe someone would set up an installer that way, without even a warning in the documentation!

This takes "install at your own risk" to a new level!

I have a dummy FS9 install complete with a copy of fs9.exe on my C drive to deal with the ols 'Shockwave' BS when I want to load one of their AC into GW3.
It consists of the 'required' folders which are empty and the fs9.exe copy.
Space required: about 5 Mb at the most.
The "read me" says there is a float version. Tried Google and Golden Age website. Anyone have any help?


This plane comes with an installer that has somehow been set up to deny us the opportunity to select the destination of the install!

When I reached the point where the next click should've brought up the box where you select the folder to install to, instead it started, without warning, and installed directly into my FS9 folder.

I have no way to tell what gauges, effects or whatever else, it may have overwritten.

The authors provide no contact information in their documentation, so I can't even ask them what they may have done to my system.

I can't believe someone would set up an installer that way, without even a warning in the documentation!

This takes "install at your own risk" to a new level!

I saw this but when I used the 'back' button at the 'this will be installed at' , it went back to a 'choose an installation folder' screen, so I then changed it to where I wanted it to go.

I saw this but when I used the 'back' button at the 'this will be installed at' , it went back to a 'choose an installation folder' screen, so I then changed it to where I wanted it to go.

This would've been good to know up front!

The installer's screens give the impression that you're selecting which version of the model to install (FS2002, FS9 or FSX), which might be different because of things like different gauges or transparencies tailored to what the different sims can handle. I expected the next box would ask where to put the install.

I would hope that Windows would've asked before overwriting anything, and since that didn't happen I hope nothing was overwritten. But if they disabled the installer asking where to put the plane, maybe they could've disabled asking if you want to overwrite.
I have a dummy FS9 install complete with a copy of fs9.exe on my C drive to deal with the ols 'Shockwave' BS when I want to load one of their AC into GW3.
It consists of the 'required' folders which are empty and the fs9.exe copy.
Space required: about 5 Mb at the most.

Good idea!

Actually, I think it would be just as easy to temporarily rename the main FS9 folder. Then the installer would make a new FS9 folder and sub folders as needed, like Gauges and Effects. Then one could just move the new FS9 folder to the desktop, rename the real FS9 folder again, and do a proper manual installation.

We shouldn't have to do this stuff!

We especially shouldn't have to find out after the fact that we should've done this stuff!!!

I can't understand why someone would be nice enough to share their plane, yet be so arrogant and inconsiderate as to package it in a way that risks messing up someone's FS9 installation,provide no warning and include no contact information for follow-up inquiries about the problems they may have caused.

The Fairchild is a fine model, but I'd have appreciated it a lot more if I could've downloaded it and installed it in the usual way, without risking my FS9 installation.
Another Problem

There's another problem with the way the installer works.

It allows you to select whether to install to FS2002, FS9 or FSX, and it puts the plane and whatever gauges and effects go with it into the selected sim.

Now, so long after the advent of FSX, many people who are still using FS9 are using it because they're running Golden Wings 3. GW3 is not an installation option.

Of course it's a simple drag and drop to move the plane from FS9 to GW3, but how are we supposed to know what gauges and effects need to be moved with it?

Well, I guess we can figure it out by doing a trick installation to a dummy folder as suggested above. But even so, this is a perfect example of how those stupid installers can transform a simple installation into a project. And until it's done we can't even tell if the plane's worth the trouble.

Just a little warning in the File ID or ReadMe would allow us to avoid the trouble and risk by simply not downloading the plane to begin with.
Sorry you guys are having issues with the install - I have not tried it yet.

Another type is available now at Flightsim ...

Name: Size: 8,783,050 Date: 11-15-2008
FS2002/FS2004/FSX Byrd's Fairchild "Stars and Stripes" on wheels and skis. Part 2 of the Early Fairchild Series. Original Gmax model by James Hefner, with some parts and textures from the Microsoft FS2004 SDK. Flight dynamics, effects, and panel design by Jim Douglass, using Microsoft gauges. Requires Fairchild FC-2W2.ZIP be installed for gauges, sound and effects. Install by Hunter D. Ames.

Cheers! Mike :wavey:
There's another problem with the way the installer works.

It allows you to select whether to install to FS2002, FS9 or FSX, and it puts the plane and whatever gauges and effects go with it into the selected sim.

Now, so long after the advent of FSX, many people who are still using FS9 are using it because they're running Golden Wings 3. GW3 is not an installation option.

Of course it's a simple drag and drop to move the plane from FS9 to GW3, but how are we supposed to know what gauges and effects need to be moved with it?

Well, I guess we can figure it out by doing a trick installation to a dummy folder as suggested above. But even so, this is a perfect example of how those stupid installers can transform a simple installation into a project. And until it's done we can't even tell if the plane's worth the trouble.

Just a little warning in the File ID or ReadMe would allow us to avoid the trouble and risk by simply not downloading the plane to begin with.

We hate those bloody installers ............ well at least two of us do!
I think the creator just made a little mistake when creating the installer; no big issue, just click the 'back' button as mentioned above and you can choose any directory you like.

The "read me" says there is a float version. Tried Google and Golden Age website. Anyone have any help?


The forum at "The Old Hangar" says the other versions will be coming in the next few days. Byrd version already out today. Wheels and skis. :jump:
Like Mick and Wombat, I hate installers. Luckily I found this thread before I installed. The back button suggestion worked.

I always save my downloads to a sepearate harddrive I use for storage only. I use authors names for the folders, then install to them when possible. Then install any paints, and then copy/paste to my FS install. Then I zip everything back up with WinRar to save, and uninstall from that folder. Keeps my FS from damage, usually.

My name is James Hefner. I am the creator of the "Early Fairchild Series."

First, I am sorry some of you do not like the installer. Hunter Ames offered to create it for me; since my aircraft is geared towards all three simulators, I thought it was a good idea. I am sorry that some of you do not like it; and don't understand why it doesn't work for one user. I will be glad to answer any questions about what files are installed.

I uploaded the float plane last night to the usual servers. Next in the Series to be released in the next few days is the Fairchild 71:

We will then be going backwards in time, and release the FC-2. This is an earlier Fairchild model, with the Wright engine, and a "razorback" tail:

A little further out in the future is a modernized version of the Fairchild 71. This Fairchild has been upgraded with a 600HP P&W 1340 engine swinging a Hamilton Standard 2B20 constant speed prop and modern avionics. It has sea level performance all the way up to 6000 feet; and takes off like a rocket (well a vintage rocket :d ), it was favorite with skydivers as well as bush pilots. The model and flight dynamics are already finished; I want to "upgrade" the panel to more modern instruments, and include a radio.

They were all compiled for FS2004, but will work fine in FS2002 if you convert the model first with MDLC. (I found it works better that way, since the annimations are preserved, than to compile a seperate version for FS2002. All of the above screenshots are in FS2002; that is what I run on my ancient computer at home.) I also tried to make it as compatible with FSx as I could.

Jim Douglass developed the sweet and accurate flight dynamics; along with the panels (using Microsoft guages) and effects. The sounds for the FC2-2W2. Fairchild 71, and modernized Fairchild 71 (different set for 450 HP Wasp) are by Aaron R. Swindle of Skysong Soundworks. The FC-2 uses the sounds from the Spirit of St. Louis; they will be included in the install for FS2002 and other users who do not have the Spirt installed.

My thanks to Jim Douglass and Hunter Ames for their help. Not only did Jim develop all the above; he was also my "eyes" for FS2004. Thanks also to Kevin ("bookman") for his inspiration and research.

-James Hefner
First things first, welcome to the 'Outhouse'.
As for the installer, some of us hate them with a passion and some love them.
Don't sweat it!
But we do like your Fairchild(s) and will happily keep on looking out for the next installment!