I can't imagine anyone will be making a Stinson Reliant of any configuration for MSFS anytime soon, or anything from Ryan or Bird, or Fleet, or Travel Air, or...the list is too long.
I opted for MSFS when I was finally able to replace my PC after more than a year without one. The choice was pretty clear at the time, P3D or Xplane were considered but I went with the big shiny new object.
Wasn't the first time it has bitten me in the ass and won't be the last time. Now that I'm here I just can't justify the expense of maintaining TWO civilian flight sims.
I am grateful for the opportunity to have participated in the testing process at GAS and for the wonderful aircraft I was able to keep and fly in FSX - and for getting to know, through our interaction as a team, the good people at Golden Age Simulations.
I hope the vital spirit of the Golden Age of Flight, maintained rigorously by GAS for flight sim enthusiasts everywhere, will spread to the waiting canvas of MSFS - I guess we'll have to wait and see.
In the meantime, I hope folks will continue to appreciate the hard work of the artisan who crafts what he loves with his own hands and shares those creations with the world, because he does that with only the best intentions at heart.