Freeware Jugs


Retired SOH Admin
I wonder if I am missing out on any freeware P-47s...some that I don't know about. Here is a list of the freeware Jugs in my collection:

Alphasim P-47 Razorback and Bubble Top package

FDG2 P-47 with the Malcom Hood and Drop Tanks (ex-donation ware plane)

All of K. Malinowski's CFS2 P-47s...they work nice in FS9, but the flight dynamics are way off

Does anyone know if there are other freeware P-47s that are decent and usable in FS9? And a VC is a must have.


Oh, Gnoopy's P-47N...just remembered that one...need to download and install it.
I wonder if I am missing out on any freeware P-47s...some that I don't know about. Here is a list of the freeware Jugs in my collection:

Alphasim P-47 Razorback and Bubble Top package

FDG2 P-47 with the Malcom Hood and Drop Tanks (ex-donation ware plane)

All of K. Malinowski's CFS2 P-47s...they work nice in FS9, but the flight dynamics are way off

Does anyone know if there are other freeware P-47s that are decent and usable in FS9? And a VC is a must have.


Oh, Gnoopy's P-47N...just remembered that one...need to download and install it.

off the top of my head... IIRC Bazzar and co (aeroplane Heaven) released a demo P-47 (for Fs2002 / CFS2) that works ok in fs2004... d/load was on one of the many gaming sites (not any of main fs sites IIRC)


I wonder if I am missing out on any freeware P-47s...some that I don't know about.
No, just one of the best. ;)

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Warbirds FS2004 Republic P-47M-1 Base Package
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 34,696,419 Date: 01-24-2008 Downloads: 5,363
FS2004 Republic P-47M-1 Base Package v2.3. The Republic P-47 M-1 was the fastest of the production Thunderbolt models built by Republic based on a design from Major Alexander de Seversky. An installation 'Wizard' will help you install the multi-resolution P-47 Gmax model, including clickable virtual cockpit, full animation, reflective textures with dynamic shine, backlighted VC gauges, custom effects, HTML checklists and documentation (enhanced with pages from original Pilot Operating and Training Manuals) as well as droppable tanks. The archive contains two different 3D models - one classic 3D cockpit based on a D-28 and a modernized one with mostly Concorde instruments - a 2D panel for those who want (by hand activation necessary). It includes a 'bare' aluminium base texture set. Sound package included. DXT3 as well as high resolution 888-type 32-bit textures are included. Liveries done for earlier versions up to v2.2 should fit this version. For more changes vice versa v2.2 see included change log. Package by Tom Kohler. (Previous version had 3781 downloads.) (See also P47M_P79.ZIP and BXKAP301.ZIP)
There is an XP-47J, from the inimitable A.F. Scrub, available at Simviation. I don't know if it has a VC, but has to be worth a look as something different from the norm.