Freeware ME 410 for cfs 3


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Was there ever a freeware me410 besided the firepower ones releaed? cant for the heck of me remember? thx.:wavey:
FP have given me permission to use theirs in TOW Pt. II, but you will have to wait I'm afraid.
Been playing guitar so much lately i haven't had the time to install TOW 1 yet. Will try to make the time because i love that part of the War. Thankful for all the work being done. Regards,Scott
Would it be possible once tow 2 is released to make them as a separate download too for the library or if someone has other installs?
The best thing in line with the deal would be to download TOW II and extract from there, just as many did with FP items without ever using the FP install itself. After that I suppose one could delete TOW II !