French Aircraft 1944-1945..Dragoon


Charter Member 2011

I am looking for information and or skins for French aircraft operating from Corsica during 1944 after capture by the allies. We have added a lot of the historical airfields to Corsica and will be building missions for pre invasion strikes and sorties from Corsica during August and Sept. 1944. The French Air Force also flew a lot of missions from France in 1944 and 1945 as the Germans retreated, Payback was probably pretty sweet for those French Pilots.:ernae:

We would like to add several new stand alones to the impressive list we will be releasing in the march update. Here is one that we would love to have as well as some bomber skins.


Steve here are some additional candidates that someone may wish to add to our mix for Dragoon.
I believe Jaycee(?) has already done the "Rabbit" P-47 from the 527th FS.

I have done this Free French P-47 (Corsica? 1944). It's in the DL's under "Skins, Other". Feel free to use it as you wish for the ETO.
I believe Jaycee(?) has already done the "Rabbit" P-47 from the 527th FS.

I have done this Free French P-47 (Corsica? 1944). It's in the DL's under "Skins, Other". Feel free to use it as you wish for the ETO.

Thanks FF,

I will get it and take a look,

I was about to say I already had a few to hand, but if it's already covered...


John (Bravo4) has templates for the Spitfires, P-47 and P-51 and will be doing some. However we would consider it a privilege to include some of your skins as stand alone aircraft also, the quality of your work is top notch. We are severely lacking in French aircraft for the 1944-1945 time period, would it be possible for you to coordinate with John on which ones he plans on doing and which ones you would like to include.

Thanks very much,

OK, I'll see what he has in mind. They had a right mixed bag of cast-offs, in any case.

Could I though point out that the term "Free French" is incorrect for these units? It applies, BY MILITARY LAW, only to those who were already serving under de Gaulle's or British command BEFORE the fall of Vichy France and the subsequent turn of coat on the part of their armed forces.

Real Free French veterans do not take at all kindly to being put in the same bag as the collaborators-turned-allies. I can understand them only too well.