I certainly did not want to criticize a great aircraft. I hope that did not come across that way.
Just to add to that, I don't know about the Canso specifically, but it is convention in the US to number the engines left to right regardless of starting order. Consolidated's own B-24 is numbered in that way, despite the starting order being 3-4-2-1 (inboard starboard, outboard starboard, inboard port, outboard port, or in other words right inner, right outer, left inner, left outer). Number 3 engine is started first in that aircraft because it's the engine with the hydraulic pump. (Source:
North American's B-25 is also started right-engine first, mainly so that the pilot can have an easier time communicating with the ground crew before starting the other engine. Despite this, the left engine is still engine 1 and the right engine is still engine 2, they just tell you to start engine 2 first. Personally, this is a habit I've carried over to all aircraft unless directed otherwise by the documentation. I always go 2-1 or 3-4-2-1.
I understand the decision to number the engines as you did and I don't think it detracts from the aircraft. In a perfect world Microsoft would let us choose the engine auto-start order, but as they don't this is a neat workaround for the people who don't start the engines manually. It does however mean that those of us with joysticks and throttle levers have to create a custom preset just for this aircraft. Personally, I have 6 levers, so it was a bit annoying to do but once it's done it's done and I can just switch presets whenever I want to fly it.
If you do keep the current engine ordering, I would recommend not using the terms "engine 1" or "engine 2" in the tooltips or aircraft documentation and using only "left" and "right", like all controls in your airplane are already do except for the primer switches, which are currently labelled as 1 and 2. If you fully want to avoid confusion a disclaimer about engine order in the download page would most likely do so. I know you have already mentioned it in the documentation.
I think you've done a phenomenal job with the interior of the airplane and I very much enjoy flying it.