Fresh meat for the kill



That's me, fresh meat. Hello to all. I just joined up after recently learning about OFF and Phase 3. I have been lurking in the bushes, reading your very interesting posts and finding myself laughing at times at/with your good sense of humor and enthusiasm for world of WW1 aviation and flight sims. Exciting times, eh? I have flown most of the WW1 sims of the Red Baron 3D era and before, ie. Flying Corps and even Wings on the Amiga. I read all WW! aviation material I can and am also a Modeler of WW1 and the Age of Sail. I wish there were a protracted series of novels in the WW1 aviation theatre similar to the Patrick O' Brian Aubrey/Maturin series to read. I may at times find I can contribute to a post and I hope to see you all in the air, very closely on your tail!:wavey: Bless the OFF developers, may God speed.
Rickitycrate (Jim) I hope I did this right!!!!!
Welcome Jim. I'd say you've come to the right place. Looks like you will fit right in with all the rest of us old simmers. :friday:
Did someone mention Old Simmer? Well... that'd be me!

Welcome Jim aka Rickitycrate!

I am Andre Ming, aka Old Simmer. I think I am somewhat the village idiot here. :costumes:

But I do have fun and this is a great place to hang and talk WW1 planes and sims.

As you've probably already seen, many colorful characters spend some of their virtual lives here too. The corporate knowledge base here is staggering. Alas, I am not one that has much to contribute to that knowledge base! :icon_lol:

Anyhoo... welcome!

Andre "Fokker Fodder" Ming
The Old Simmer
Hello Jim
Welcome. I think you will find that OFF BHAH Phase 3 is just what you are looking for. Besides being able to share with a really great group of folks on this forum.
Welcome Jim - you've certainly picked the best sim to fly- Only because Phase 3 is going to be better than phase 2 and phase 2 is the best.
As is this forum - great bunch of lads - and a lassie (WMF2 )
Thanks for the welcome

Thanks to all of you for the welcome. I broke down and requested a copy of phase2. How soon is soon or very soon for phase3? I guess no one can say. While I was viewing the request thread I saw the many new members wanting discs. Phase 3 will be a smashing success as I'm sure it should be. The gameplay movies are awesome. I don't know how many times I've watched them. I long to get up there. Thank you developers!
"I long to get up there."

And soon you shall, Ol Chap!

I need all the help I can get with these pesky Gerry's!!

Andre "Fokker Fodder" Ming
The Old Simmer
Welcome to the World of WWI Aviation you need to get on the list to order P3 (no cost) and maybe get a copy of P2. From another O Brian fan, "there's not a moment to lose!"
Welcome Jim,

I'm tony Oliver "AKA legion" I've only been a member of this forum for around six months or so, but I can honestly say that you'll never meet a nicer bunch of folks who are always willing to help with good advice/stories. :friday:

we are all rubbing our hands in anticipation of the release of OFF P3, as it will ROCK!!!:jump: BRING IT ON!! :applause:
I agree Legion. Class act, top shelf good folks. So helpful and so informative. I feel akin to all in sharing an appreciation for this field of interest. I have not had anyone to share with prior so I am having a great time and I have not even flown OFF yet.
Humf... a Yank!

Alvayz late, unt zmelling of der party in der mornink.

You vill be der good target for mine Spandauz!


Wilkomenn to der OFF forum mine friend!
