That's me, fresh meat. Hello to all. I just joined up after recently learning about OFF and Phase 3. I have been lurking in the bushes, reading your very interesting posts and finding myself laughing at times at/with your good sense of humor and enthusiasm for world of WW1 aviation and flight sims. Exciting times, eh? I have flown most of the WW1 sims of the Red Baron 3D era and before, ie. Flying Corps and even Wings on the Amiga. I read all WW! aviation material I can and am also a Modeler of WW1 and the Age of Sail. I wish there were a protracted series of novels in the WW1 aviation theatre similar to the Patrick O' Brian Aubrey/Maturin series to read. I may at times find I can contribute to a post and I hope to see you all in the air, very closely on your tail!
Bless the OFF developers, may God speed.
Rickitycrate (Jim) I hope I did this right!!!!!

Rickitycrate (Jim) I hope I did this right!!!!!