FS 2004 AI Spitfires


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Transfered from the Wardbirds Library, I posted it in the wrong place, sorry about that..

I've downloaded the file FS 2004 AI Spitfies.zip from


Both planes, the MK1-A and MK5-B are great and work fine as AI planes. I
made myself a pâintkit for them so I can repaint them as I wish. The only part
I can't repaint is the propeller, I can't find it anywhere on the bmp files
that come with the download.

Can anyone please tell me how to repaint the propeller, like for instance a red hub with black yellow-striped, or tipped, blades, for these aircrarft ?

Thank you so much fpr your kind help and cooperation.

If you can't find a bitmap for the props, they are probably
modelled as coloured parts within the model
( .mdl) file itself. So not changeable by the user.

However, if you are prepared for a LOT of trial and error
the MDLMAT program can be used to change colours of parts of the model, but, iirc these are limited to 8 bit colours, and can mess up other things on the model that are colour modelled same colour, I tried with one model ( not an AI one) and ended up with bright blue landing gear.


If you can't find a bitmap for the props, they are probably
modelled as coloured parts within the model
( .mdl) file itself. So not changeable by the user.

However, if you are prepared for a LOT of trial and error
the MDLMAT program can be used to change colours of parts of the model, but, iirc these are limited to 8 bit colours, and can mess up other things on the model that are colour modelled same colour, I tried with one model ( not an AI one) and ended up with bright blue landing gear.



Well, it's better than norhing and I'll give it a try when I find that MDLMAT program.

Thank you so much for your help.

Well, well, well.... That MDLMAT is nothing like I thought it would be and you're right, it's very hazardous, you'don"t even know which part of the model you're dealing with. I guess patience is the key here. A lot of triail and error, did you say ? You couldn"t be more right.

Yet something doesn't add up here. The propeller (hub and blades) is all grey on the MK1-A model, which does fit the color as part of the model. .

See the first pic.


The MK5-B model, on the other hand, has its propeller with a white or very light green hub whereas the blades are black with yellow tips.

See the second pic.


Can the color as part of the model be that much precise ? I might be wrong, but MDLMAT certainly doesn't make me think so.


  • Spitfire MK1-A.jpg
    Spitfire MK1-A.jpg
    77.4 KB · Views: 3
  • Spitfire MK5-B.jpg
    Spitfire MK5-B.jpg
    64 KB · Views: 3