I'm sure this has been asked before but I've searched in vain
When selecting a GFA Anson in create a training scenario the preview image is offset to the top of the preview screen. Is there a parameter I can change to cure this?
Raditor has done the trick. Anyone else wanting to change things here's what I did.
Go to the Y axis and edit the figure in the left hand volume beginning -10.7.... and change the -10 to -2.
Just for the sake of accurate information, in Prepar3Dv2 the "bounding box" values are used to control the position of the aircraft in the Preview screen. I have found that setting all of the values to zero (0) works just fine, and is a whole lot simpler...
The Radius works the same as it always has, by controlling the default distance of the camera while in any external view. It should be set to roughly half-wingspan in meters.
Thanks for the info Bill.
I knew the bounding box controls the position, but didn't know about the "zero" trick. I always used to find an aircraft of approximately similar size that displayed correctly & copied the values from that.
Thanks guys for the information, the "zero trick" certainly does work although there seems no difference in outcome from the method I used. Except of course zero settings are a damn sight quicker and easier and no faffing around!
Thanks again
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