fs Bf-109 E Question ?


Charter Member
Was there ever a fix for the missing prop disk for the fs Bf109 E ver.2 series ? Lovely aircraft except for the prop not showing up. Have the shared files installed and it shows a prop .dds file but doesn't show up when flying-(spinner is spinning). Is this just the way it is ? Regards,Scott
Hi Scott, missed this post. Take a look at the m3d for the 109E in question. What is the exact name of the texture listed for the prop disk? Do you have that texture in the aircraft/shared folder? Another problem that can occur is if you have several different prop disk textures with the same name, in different directories in the Aircraft folder.
You're looking for 109e_prop.dds. It should be in the FS_bf109e_shared folder. You might run across a file named prop.dds instead that has the same image and alpha layer. You can copy and rename that to 109e_prop.dds.
Have needed file in the fs-Bf109E shared folder and can not find a duplicate anywhere else. Installed fs-Bf109E's in the ETO expansion and in Pat's BoB with same effects.Spinner spins but i see no prop disk in flight inside or outside of these aircraft. Thanks for the reply. Regards,Scott
I just looked in my ETO install and the prop disk is pretty light (mostly transparent), but it's there. From inside the cockpit you can see that the texture file was not made perfectly symmetrical, so the edges wobble around a lot.
Do not have the plain prop.dds anywhere. I looked in the ETO install and Pat's BoB install. The ETO Bf-109E's operate properly. No problem there. It's just these older FS series ver.2 Bf-109's that are the problem. Regards,Scott
There is a prop_german.dds in the ETO shared folder in the aircraft folder. Is that the one you are talking about ? Thanks...Regards,Scott
No, that's not the name the FS 109s are looking for. That's the one that most german aircraft use. You could make a copy of that one and rename it to 109e_prop.dds to see if it resolves your issue.
Tried replacing 109e_prop.dds in the fs-shared folder with the prop_german.dds file. Did not like the effects. At a loss as to what to do next ? PS , I like the prop effects for the ETO Bf-109E's. They look quite good. Could i get those to work with the fs series 109's,and how ? Regards,Scott
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Problem solved. John sent me a fix for it. A new 109e_prop.dds was installed and now a prop disk shows up. It is just about a foot off but looks fine to me. Much more immersive now flying these 109's. So it had something to do with the .dds file in the fs-shared folder. Regards,Scott
Problem not solved.:pop4: Have to delete all the fs109e's .bdp files for it to work. Try it again and the prop doesn't show up till i re-delete .bdp files again. Don't know what may be causing this... Regards,Scott
It really seems like you have multiple copies of the file installed. Open up file explorer, go to your CFS3 folder and type the filename in the search box. See how many copies of 109e_prop.dds you have, and check to see if any of them have an all black alpha layer (that would make them invisible.)

What's odd about the bdp symptom you describe is that the game rebuilds the bdp files before it does anything to show you objects in the game. It seems like if it worked the first time it would work every time. It must be rebuilding the bdp files again on the second start-up, and that's when it rediscovering the erroneous version of the dds file again.
Thanks for the advice MajorMagee. Had multiple problems with the BoB install. One,the prop.dds would not work on my computer and next there were two of the 109e_prop.dds files used in the install. Got rid of the prop file i did not need and problem went away. Thanks to all for your help. Regards,Scott