FS KBT Downloads


Wonder if anybody can help? I'm still trying to get back all my lost freeware files after the PC rash of several months back. I've got most of them now, but having problems getting hold of a few of the FS-KBT/Daisuke Yamamoto aircraft - their own website seems to be festooned with broken links. :(

As far as I can tell I have all of the P-3 Orion files, the current Superbug, the C-119 and the basic Mitsubishi F1, T2 and F2. What I can't find anywhere are the FS2004 (v2.3?) Kawasaki T-4 files, or the T2CCV files. Do any of you clever people know where I might find them, or even have copies you could pass on to me?

Thanks, in anticipation.
Andy,did you get the updated cfg and air files released late last year for the P-3? They make one heck of a difference to that mighty ship!
FS2002 - FS2002 AircraftFS2002 JASDF Kawasaki T-4 Blue Impulse
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: t-4bitex.zip Size: 381,879 Date: 05-05-2003 Downloads: 954
[SIZE=-1] FS2002 JASDF Kawasaki T-4 Blue Impulse. By Daisuke Yamamoto. (See also T-4GAUFX.ZIP)
Any help Andy? :salute:

Yes, got those updates - everything for the Orions, Hornets, Boxcars & Packets can be found on Flightsim, as can most of the files for the F-1/T-2 (it was reading the thread about updating the Jaguar prompted this btw, as I'd been looking for a suitable soundset for the Jag and had totally forgotten these). However I can only find FS2002 versions of the T-4, and I know that there was a later version (it's on their own site, just the links are broken), and I've only ever seen the T-2 CCV on there as well.
Thanks Paul, much appreciated.

I've just found the T-2CCV at Simviation, and Paul has filled the other gap. Thanks to all for your help, pointers & assistance - that's what I like about this forum!!