FS KBT P3 orion blank template


Hi everyone,

Does anyone might know where I might be able to obtain a white blank template for the FS KBT P3 Orion? The one supplied in the base pack is no good for me as it contains a paint scheme applied. Any pointers is appreciated.
Sorry, mate - don't know of any dedicated paint kit for the Orion.

When I did the CP-140 "Aurora" repaint, I cut the panel lines and 'raised' them up to a seperate layer, right above the basic colours. Worked fine for me back then:



What repaint do you have on your mind?

US Customs (all schemes). I am doing a project involving US Customs and Border Patrol aircraft. I may try out that trick:ernae:
They say great minds think alike...well, I won't go so far as to say that we have great minds...but we have thought alike in terms of Border Patrol aircraft. I fired up Piglet's Grumman OV-1 and did some border patrol work last night. That sent me to the internet looking up Border Patrol aircraft. I found images for the Pilatus PC-12, OH-6, Predator unmanned aircraft, Huey, and others.

The panel lines on the P-3 are pretty straight forward and would only take a couple of hours to recreate on a Photoshop layer...will be working on that this evening after I get the garden work done.
