FS RAF BOB fighters shared files


Charter Member
Sorry for the disturb.

I have search the FS RAF BOB fighters shared files that came from Netwings, i have find those for bf109 but not
those for Spitfire MkI , anyone know where is possible get it , the link seem inoperative.

Thanks in advanced.
This is essentially the same query as your earlier thread with the same title, so I'm removing that one. I expect someone will know the answer?
OK hairyspin

I have posted one but i have seen that there are two equal, sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi Stockplane,

PM me your email addy and I'll send over the shared files, I cant find them online anywhere either.

I'll double check with Rami (SOH admin) and if we dont have them here on SOH I'll upload them for everyone else to grab.

regards Rob.

Thanks a lot Capt. Winters, but today i have solved, i have search in BoB expansion and in there there are all the files necessary for addings planes in the stock installation.

Thanks again.