FS recorder module help needed


members+, Fighter Fanatic
I was wondering if someone could give me kind of a quick rundown for a moron (who is I :d ) on how to set some form flights up.

I've tried in the past, but it was just a tad too convoluted to just pick up, and I'm wondering if there's a few quick ropes someone could show me to get me moving and learning at a faster rate. :ernae:

Thanks in advance
That's quite interesting, but right now I'm aiming towards just recording one flight of maybe a half hour to learn the ropes, and then hand flying formation along with that track.

Is that super difficult, or pretty point and click? I just don't have a lot of free time to spend learning a bunch of stuff; I'd rather spend what little free time I have for FS just flying wing with another jet. :ernae: