FS-Shipyards - Please update your bookmarks

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Charter Member
Hi Folks

The FS-Shipyards website
has now reverted to its original FS-Shipyards.com domain.

All accounts are unchanged, and still active.
However, due to the domain change,
on first visiting, you will have to login.

Wishing you Seasons Greetings
Paul Donnelly
Admin FS-Shipyards.com
Thanks for the HU Paul.
I always mean to get into the shipping but something flyable always gets in the way!
Are there complete FS9 AI ship/FP packages a newbie should look at first?
Oh gawd...
You know, what ultimately matters is what happens to all those files collected over time.
Looking at the crippled AVSIM, I am appalled at some of the antics people get up to in the flightsim community.
Ours is such a ...harmless, hobby!

People, this is way bigger than any individual, please remember that.
David, don't you think that this kind of more-than-unappropriate and offending language completely disqualifies any of your accusations, may they be justified or not?

Enough - potentially libelous statements and blatant personal attacks are uncalled-for and will not be tolerated here. So a domain has gone from .org to .com - fine. If there's legal issues to be settled, settle them somewhere else.
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