FS2000/FS2002 Cub Engine Overhaul.


Charter Member
Greeting's all,

Recently, for some old look back's, I loaded up FS 2002. Found my first payware aircraft, The FSD J-3 cub for FS 2000 w/FS 2002 update. One of my all time fav's. Took her up for a test flight out of Meig's and found she'd only produce 40 MPH at full thottle. Made sure the carb heat was off, it was. Was skimming the water with a right hand pattern, (R/W 36 departure) making a very shallow RH turn so as to get her back on the Meig's R/W without stalling. Once safely down I reviewed some of my other Cub's FDE's and they were pretty much in line with the FSD Cub's FDE.

Any suggestion's on what I can do to get this Cub's Cont 65HP up to speed, (pun intended)?

Thank you for any input's

SBP :salute:
If nothing else, just raise the prop's thrust scalar. Also check the drag parameters - more drag on an otherwise equally engined plane will produce what you're seeing.
Ahha. Thanks, Tom for pointing me in the correct direction. Will adjust those area's of the FDE with wee small tweek's.

SBP :salute:
Tom, you nailed it my friend. Adjusted the drag and prop by +/- 0.5 each. Now it's just like flying with a new ring job on that old Cont 65. Ha.

SBP :salute: