FS2004 Aeroworx Aviation X-treme King Air B200 v.2.1 RNZAF 42 Sqn NZ1885


Charter Member
FS2004 Aeroworx Aviation X-treme King Air B200 v.2.1 RNZAF 42 Sqn NZ1885

Hello there guys

I have painted my first RNZAF aircraft on request from one of the forum members here to fill the virtual skies.

I have made a repaint for the Aeroworx Aviation X-treme King Air B200 in the colours of the Royal New Zealand Air Force or RNZAF 42 Squadron NZ1885. A very big thank you to Wild Bill Kelso (Markus) for all his help in supplying me with his AFG 300 templates that made my life easier since most of the work has already been done!!!!! So all credit must go to him! :salute:

There is a few texture "glitches" that we have to live with inherent within the model that I could not get entirely like the real airplane but they are small enough not to be such a big eye sore.

To obtain the payware Aeroworx Aviation X-treme King Air B200 a purchase should be made from http://www.flight1.com for this repaint to work.

I have uploaded the repaint at http://www.flightsim.com so be sure to check it out! Make a search for either RNZAF or Pieters, if the repaints do not show yet it maybe due to the servers not showing them yet.

I have included a few screenshots below to show you how it looks...

RNZAF 42 Squadron NZ1885 - Cold

RNZAF Pilots

RNZAF 42 Squadron NZ1885 - Cold from Behind

Any comments and feedback would be welcome as always... :wavey:

Blessings and enjoy flying her!! :jump:
Whew! For a moment there, I thought you'd given up!
Looks like you got most of the little issues sorted, looking forward to the download.
Thank you again, Morné (and Markus!) for your generous contribution to the NZ skies


A promise is a promise Chris, I never give up on that:jump:
It was a pleasure with the help of Markus and i hope you you guys down in Kiwi-land will enjoy it for a long time to come:salute:


Thank you for the compliments, really appreciate them:wavey:
thanks for this beautiful repaint as I also love RNZAF schemes ...

would it be possible for you to upload your tweak, please ?

Yup, Morras is OK with the idea...there are a couple of panel tweaks which may be included too.
I'll post here when done.
Uploaded to flightsim.com:
FS2004 RNZAF Beechcraft King Air B200 v2.2 RNZAF 42 Sqn NZ1885.
This package lets you add any of 3 goodies to the superb repaint by Morne Pieters (aeroworx_king_air_b200v21_rnzaf_kingair_nz1885.zip).
First: the bright metal bits, like prop spinners, are now highly polished.
Second: Adrian Brausch painted the panels in RNZAF blue.
Third: Adrian brought the FS9 GPS into the panel.
A great collaborative effort from four countries to make this wonderful model even better.


This is now probably the best flightsim experience I've had.
Looks really nice you guys, it looks like you guys are now really kicking up the notch to NZ flightsim enjoyment:jump: