FS2004 and Windows 7


Charter Member 2011
Apologies if this has been posted before, but I couldn't find anything relevant with the search function.

I've just installed FS9 again on my W7-32 machine and whilst it runs, when I get to the flight it flashes backwards and forwards between the sim and a black screen/load screen.

I run FSX normally, but fancied trying some of the now freeware FS9 aircraft in their native sim. Is there any special trick to getting FS9 to run in windows 7?
FS9 should just run natively on Win7. I have 2 Harddrives and 3 OS's I run. Win7 32bit, Win7 64bit, and Windows XP pro. I have had no trouble with FS9 on all 3 of these. Most likely, from my experience, this could be a bad addon the sim doesn't like. Try uninstalling the latest addon you installed and try again. This happened to me with an old Vauntour a few years back.


EDIT: I reread your post, misread it the first time, so you don't have any addons in FS9 yet?
Yes, running as admin.

The problem was running in a 32bit display resolution. For some reason that caused fs9 or my graphics card to crap out.

Might be an nvidia driver issue, but I'm ok with 16 bit for now