FS2004 Belice EXT I and II Trojan in D/L From Simviation


SOH Staff
Staff member
Guys and Gals,

I just downloaded and installed the Balice scenery from Simviation. If someone here also has membership to Simviation please let them know that the EXT I and EXT II update installer to the scenery have a "Trojan\Win32\Banker" key stroker contained in them. My antivirus and spyware programs caught them and deleted them immediately.

I do not have a full membership to Simviation and did not see any "contact us" link to email their staff.

Once upon a time a box popped on on SimV's home page that said I needed a certain software update in order to properly view the page and the files, and asking for a Yes or No click to install (or not) the software. When my mouse passed over the box (and before I could click No) it attempted a drive-by download of a nasty piece of malware (I don't recall what it was exactly - this was a few years back.) Fortunately my security suite picked it up and killed it.

Anyway, I did find a Contact Us link back then (maybe since then they've decided that they don't want to hear from anyone and removed it) and I sent them a note explaining in detail exactly what happened.

They didn't do anything. The box remained on their home page for about a month - probably for as long as it had been sold for as an "ad" - and every time I went to SimV to check for new files, if I moused over it, it continued to attempt that same drive-by download. I'm sure many people must have been infected, and it's clear that the admins at SimV didn't care.

So don't worry if you can't contact them; it probably wouldn't matter if you could. If they didn't care about an ad on their home page doing drive-by downloads of malware, they probably won't care if someone put an infected file in their library. Though at least they wouldn't have to give anyone their money back if the just delete the file, so maybe it would be worth contacting them. If there's a way to do that...

pretty sure I remember that!! I stopped going there at that point, don't think I've been back since. I can 99-100% of the time find the files on Flightsim, Avsim, etc. Can't say I've noticed missing visiting at all. I'm sure they're reputable, but I don't risk it and then I moved onto Opera browser which SimV don't support (it was (is?) the safest and fastest browser around)
