FS2004 Birthday..


Staff member
Can you believe it.. FS2004 will be 15 years next month. It's quite amazing that the program works as flawlessly the way it does, on software & hardware that was never even dreamed of, 15 years ago!

How can we celebrate this?
Can you believe it.. FS2004 will be 15 years next month. It's quite amazing that the program works as flawlessly the way it does, on software & hardware that was never even dreamed of, 15 years ago!

How can we celebrate this?

Lets fly the original default aircraft of A Century of Flight.
Time flies.

I still remember that August day in 2003 when I walked into Best Buy to get it. Also remember how it taxed my old Windows ME system on modest settings! Upgraded to Windows XP soon after.

Running great now on Windows 10.

Bought it, installed it and started playing it and thought "wow, this is REALLY it!". And it still is !!

And so many of us have been faithful! In terms of software cycle, this love affair has lasted at least 7 generations.
To all supporters and creators of addons for FS9 thank you very much! I've done some repaints now and then but foremost and espacially here at SOH thanks to all "plane-makers"! The FS9 is my oldest companion in terms of flying virtually since last year I'm into my sailplane licence and the time spent while flightsimming helped me quite a bit and even there's nothing next to real flying -of cause- I still enjoy flying my "Niner". It might be not as fancy like FSX or P3D, maybe not as real as XPlane but anyway it's like an old car, you love it, it has its own character, its own story and many years of joy (any suffering sometimes too).

So longs story short: happy birthday FS2004 - Century Of Flight ... or maybe Century Of Flightsim?

I personally believe it is still one of the best flight sims out there, even after all this time!!! I have tried the others, but always seem to come back to FS2004 for some reason.

Even on Windows 10 and on hardware never thought off back then, it still runs like a charm for the most part. Some issues come up after each Win10 update, but they get solved and i continue to enjoy...

I have so heavily modded it, I don't think other sims can touch the ability to mod back to different eras like we have with FS9

This sim still rocks!!!!

FSX and Prepare3D has nothing on FS9...I don't even think in the graphics either!!!
Some of the finest default models in FS2004


I have more planes and scenery for FS9, 2 installs, one for jets, the other for props. Both sims run flawlessly like butter and all the eye candy one could ever ask for. More than I could ever ask of a 15 year old flight sim program.... I'll fly FS9 until the "wings" fall my confuter... lol!

Some more thoughts here...

I have been using the Microsoft Flight Simulator line since the 1990's. Have gone through the DOS releases and FS95, FS98, FS2000, FS2002, and so on, but when FS2004 hit my computer all those years ago, all those titles were dropped into a receptacle and forgotten about. They are setting in storage with other big box games i have collected over the years.

That said my FS9 install has been so heavily modded now that it went from that small install package to well over eating up 120 GB, all that space has been devoted to bringing it back to the Golden Age and the early 1960's when jetliners were just getting their landing gear down on the runways.

I have other flight sims i like installed on my "workstation", but they are no where as heavily modded. I keep Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2 onboard because i love fighting in those old planes from World War One up to Korea. That is another one of those Flight Sims i think that will remain a timeless classic.

Then we come to Microsoft Flight Simulator X Deluxe and Acceleration. I keep this sim in the system for a couple of reasons. I use it as my "modern" era install (though FS9, still has an install for that on my other box), and the other, is because my late wife brought it home to me one day, and i can't forget about the smile she had on her face when she reached into her bag and pulled it out, and saying "honey, I got that new flight sim for you!". God, that memory brings tears to my eyes even now. (God, I miss her more then anything i can explain). I have modded it as well, but keeping it "modern". It still works well, and i think it might become a timeless sim like its older brother.

Now i have recently installed the copy of Lockheed's Prepar3dv4 Professional Plus version on my "workstation" and well to be honest i am not as impressed with it as i thought I would be. Good graphics, good use of resources on the pc, but i don't see it really offering me anything I don't already have with the other sims i have listed above. Maybe in time...hell, I don't know? We will see if it grows on me like the other sims have. The one thing Prepar3d has going for it, is the fact that it still is part of the Microsoft line of flight sims in everything but name, and some parts of our community are starting to embrace it as such! I have no doubt this will eventually lead to more growth of this part of the community.

I enjoy the Microsoft line of Flight Sims. Hell my hobby grew up around them, but with all that i said in this post the most important thing is for some reason, I keep coming back to FS2004:ACOF. Can't say why, but I do!!!
I have more planes and scenery for FS9, 2 installs, one for jets, the other for props. Both sims run flawlessly like butter and all the eye candy one could ever ask for. More than I could ever ask of a 15 year old flight sim program.... I'll fly FS9 until the "wings" fall my confuter... lol!

Me too! Got Golden Wings for the Golden Age, Silver Wings (aka FS1`954, A Half Century of Flight) for the Classic Era, , FS Jet Age for the late 1950s and the 1960s, and FS2004 for the modern era. (Don't know why I bothered with that last one; I've hardly developed it outside my local region and probably never will, or even fly in it.)

I've seen a lot of screenies from FSX and just wasn't impressed.
Funny we do all more or less the same. Like the people above I have a heavy modified version of Golden Wings to fly my pre-1945 aircraft in and I have an equally heavy modified version of Silver Wings to fly my pre-1985 aircraft. Nest to those I have a nearly original clean install of FS2004 to convert in Golden- or Silver Wings when something goes wrong with the other installs.

I also have FSX installed, but I hardly use it anymore.....................

Yup, I also have my Golden Wings, a 'normal' install, a Ford Tri-Motor Project install, an install called FS9SE (special edition) for our virtual club, & an install for our Young Falcons Academy.
As well as FS9SE & a couple of backups.