FS2004 feelThere Cessna 208B Grand Caravan, ZS-Civilian


Charter Member
Hello there guys

I have painted some ZS- Civilian aircraft on request from one of the forum members to fill the virtual skies.

I have made a repaint for the feelThere Caravan!Deluxe in the colours of 43 Air School (ZS-ORR) and Sheltam Aviation (ZS-ORK).

To obtain the payware feelThere Caravan!Deluxe a purchase should be made from http://www.fspilotshop.com for this repaint to work.

I have uploaded the repaint at http://www.flightsim.com so be sure to check it out! Make a search for either SAAF or Pieters, if the repaints do not show yet it maybe due to the servers not showing them yet.

I have included a few screenshots below to show you how it looks...

43 Air School (ZS-ORR)

43 Air School (ZS-ORR) 2

Sheltam Aviation (ZS-ORK)

Sheltam Aviation (ZS-ORK) 2

Any comments and feedback would be welcome as always...:wavey:

Blessings and enjoy flying her!!:salute: