FS2004 Freeware scenery?

  • Thread starter jackedwardmorris95
  • Start date


Could someone please tell me if there is any?
Much Appreciated,

There is a Nordic website that has a TON of freeware scenery, from Switzerland to Sweden to several other countries.

Google Pattonville airstrip. That is a brilliant scenery.

Tons.... Tons of freeware scenery for FS2004..
Thanks guys! Some Great links, Great resources even though i asked the wrong question! I only ever used Flightsim.com and avsim,

The Walhalla site is just a list. All of the download links are either AvSim or Flighsim.

While you're at Flightsim, go to the Search page and click on the Advanced Search link. Select FS2004 Senery, type in "landmark" in the top box, go to the bottom and sort by downloads then submit the search. You'll get some good stuff. Then go back and change the search term to "landmarks" (plural) and get even more!
If you are a fan of the french "Armée De l'Air" all current
french military air bases equipped with AlphaJet, Mirage F-1,
Mirage 2000C,D,N,5-F, Rafale, Hercules, Etc,.. are available
for FS9 at the following address :


These are top quality sceneries, a few are a little bit "heavy"
on FPS but most are perfect and offer a fluid 20+FPS.
Guy LeVasseur