FS2004 Gmax Super Mirage F1


Charter Member
Hi there folks

This is a remake and modification of Kirk Olsson's Gmax Mirage F1(F1V25.zip) into the Super Mirage F1 with permission from Kirk Olsson. The Super Mirage F1 is powered by a Russian SMR-95 engine (modernised MiG-29 RD-33 engine) and able to carry four R-73E AA-11 'Archer' air-to-air missiles. Named the Super Mirage F1, it has been developed in co-operation by Klimov and Vympel in Russia and by Aerosud and Marvotech in South Africa. During the early nineties, the SAAF had considered the upgrade of its Mirage F.1 with the help of Russia. A single airframe (#216) had been modified, early in 1994. Compared to the SNECMA Atar 9K50 original engine (7,200 kn with AB), the SMR-95 engine is 300 kg lighter and more powerful (8,300 kn with AB). With 17,000 meres, the ceiling is 2,000 metres higher, whereas the range at cruising speed is augmented from 1,820 to 2,250 km. The maximum speed is voluntarily limited to Mach 1.8 (Mach 2.2 with the Atar engine).

A Search at www.flightsim.com or www.avsim.com must be done to obtain the freeware "Gmax F1v2.5" and "F1V25patch" from Kirk Olsson for this package to work.

What I have done in the package:
*This is a modification of Kirk Olsson's Gmax Mirage with his permission.
*The Gmax Mirage F1AZ was turned into the Super Mirage F1 with the SMR-95 Russion engine.
*The flightdynamics has been changed with lighter mass more thrust etc. to simulate the new SMR-95 engine.
*Some new sounds from Ferry Sab was used to simulate the SMR-95 or Mig-29 engine.
*Some new heat haze and afterburner effects was used and where all done by the old DSB now freeware packages of the Eurofighter and Hawk.

Here is a screenshot splash of the package:

And as always I hope you like the repaints and enjoy it! Please feel free to leave any comments and so forth.

Blessings and happy flying!!!!!!
Thanx Blackbird, I hope you hae flown her already and that she has made an impression on you :welcome:
tThanx for the lovely comments guys, really appreciate it!:wavey: Yes the SAAF was really innovative hey, just a pity that all the projects never saw some real light due to piliticians and their agendas....:gossip: