When a pilot misses the runway it's seldom, if ever, the fault of the airplane.
Folks have been flying the stock Cessna for six years now, and while it's not the greatest plane ever modeled for FS, I've never heard anyone say that it won't go where it's flown to. Maybe you need to work on your crosswind landing technique. Whether you were crabbing or slipping, it sounds like you weren't doing enough of it - or else too much of it.
You might try following the advice given above, shutting off the wind, just to make sure you can hit the runway in no wind conditions, but that's probably not your problem. More likely you need some crosswind landing practice.
If you crab into a crosswind, it's essential that you time it properly when you kick out the crab; otherwise you'll drift off the centerline.
If you slip into a crosswind (more appropriate for a small plane like the Cessna), timing is essential when you level the wings; otherwise you'll drift off the centerline.
So dial in some crosswind and practice, practice, practice - just like you would in a real Cessna. You'll get the hang of it.