FS2004 SAAF C-130B Hercules 28 Sqn #401 (SAAF 75 Years 1995)


Charter Member
Hello Guys

I have made a repaint for the payware CaptainSim Legendary C-130 in the colours of a of a SAAF C-130B Hercules of 28 Squadron in the special SAAF 75 Years scheme as seen during the 1995 AFB Waterkloof Airshow. This C-130B Hercules was painted in the standard camo scheme of dark earth and olive drab with the new eagle castle insignia and serial number near the rear of the fuselage, the aircraft serial number appeared on the nose and the underside was painted extra dark sea grey. The special scheme displayed the SAAF 75 Logo near the font of the aircraft with stripes of Aircraft Blue, Arctic Blue and White from the rear towards the front. The New South African flag was also near the cockpit windows. The Tailfin displayed the letters "75" in a special font with stripes of the same colours in the background.

To obtain the payware CaptainSim Legendary C-130 a purchase should be made from http://www.captainsim.com for this repaint to work. This repaint is 100% ACE (Aircraft Configuration Editor) compatible and can be installed through it.

A big thank you to Brent Best aka "Kremlin" for all the help regarding the SAAF 75 Logo, without him this scheme would not have been possible. =D>

I have uploaded the repaint at http://www.flightsim.com so be sure to check it out! Make a search for either SAAF or Pieters, if the repaints do not show yet it maybe due to the servers not showing them yet.

I have included a few screenshots below to show you how it looks...








Any comments and feedback would be welcome as always...:wavey:

Blessings and enjoy flying her!! :salute:
A Herc in any scheme is a real joy to see. I don't have the CS Herc. I fly the freeware Alphasim Hercs. Love those planes. Had one fly over the house today and it was so low that the roar from those four big turboprops were making my wife's souvenir spoons dance in their display racks. Man it sound like that bird was going to fly through my house! I LOVED IT! The 179th Air Lift Wing will be losing their C-130Hs at some point this year and will be getting C-27J Spartans. I really am going to miss those Hercs. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law, who live less than a mile from KMFD (Mansfield Lahm...were the 179th is based) will be happy to see the Hercs go. They don't have the same appreciation for the sound of those big props biting the air that I do.

A Herc in any scheme is a real joy to see. I don't have the CS Herc. I fly the freeware Alphasim Hercs. Love those planes. Had one fly over the house today and it was so low that the roar from those four big turboprops were making my wife's souvenir spoons dance in their display racks. Man it sound like that bird was going to fly through my house! I LOVED IT! The 179th Air Lift Wing will be losing their C-130Hs at some point this year and will be getting C-27J Spartans. I really am going to miss those Hercs. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law, who live less than a mile from KMFD (Mansfield Lahm...were the 179th is based) will be happy to see the Hercs go. They don't have the same appreciation for the sound of those big props biting the air that I do.


Captain Sim is having a 24 hour sale tomorrow (7/1)...:jump: