FS2004 South African Air Force Ai Package - 44 Squadron AFB


Charter Member
Hi guys

We have started a series of Ai packages for FS2004 for the SAAF, since there is not a lot of Ai for SAAF aircraft!
This package is number 4 in the series so far, and the long await is now done since finally 44 Sqn SAAF AFB WAterkloof is now released after some sneak previews in the previous weeks.
This package uses the Casa C212-200 by Morné Pieters, Casa C212-300 by Morné Pieters and the Casa CN235 by Archt. ver Walter L. Gulfan/ Aiver. The Casa C212-200 and Casa C212-300 have been painted in the same low visibility grey colour scheme with new cookie cutter roundal as the C-130 Hercules of 28 Squadron.The Casa CN235 have been painted in bushwar camouflage colour scheme with new cookie cutter roundal. The serial numbers of the planes are for the Casa C212-200, 8010&8011, the Casa C212-300, 8020&8021 and the Casa CN235 8026. The Callsingns used by all the Casa’s is Air force with their respective serial numbers.

We have uploaded our package to http://www.flightsim.com

Here is a nice screenshot or splash screen for a small taste!

Feel free to contact us or comments would be welcome!
