FS2024 Has Migrated to the Other Monitor - Help!


My PC has a Pioneer TV hooked to a Ge Force GTX 1060 GPU as the #1 set up, & a Samsung monitor connected to a Ge Force GT 1030 GPU for secondary display.
I run FS2024 & FS2020 on the Pioneer screen.
This morning the FS2024 decided to display on the Samsung monitor & I don't know how to get it back on the Pioneer TV.
It won't drag & drop.
FS2020 is still running on the Pioneer ok.
FS2024 on the 1030 card is not stellar.
Any ideas as to where the setting is to get FS2024 back on the Pioneer TV?
Thank you
Try temporarily disabling the 1030 before starting up FS2024 and see what gives.

Or, look in the UserCfg.opt file in your app data what GFX card is specified. It's the first line of the file. You can copy the entry from the same file of your 2020 install.

Personally, I would never run two GFX cards at the same time when they're not in SLI.

The path for the app data is C:\Users\your user name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024

Thanks for your help.
I went the UserCfg.opt route & found via Notepad that the 1st row was showing the 1030 card.
Changed that to 1060 and all is now well.