FS9 and Track IR not wanting to play together


Retired SOH Admin
They were best of friends and played together very well. Then just a day or two ago, they stopped playing together. I don't know why. Track IR will still play with FSX and will happily spend all day playing with itself.....but will no longer play with FS9.

Any ideas how I can get these two friends back into the sandbox together.


Oh...nothing has changed in my FS9 installs.....Track IR won't even work with a 100% bone stock from the disc and updated to FS9.1 install.
Try replacing the language.dll from the discs, I think that is what activates TIR. I know that theses files with GW3 & SW don't work.
Tried that....nada....Track IR still refuses to climb into the sandbox with FS9. I suppose this just gives me a reason to do what I have been needing to do for a while....start over from scratch: Install one fresh install, update it, put in all my tweaks and mods. Then copy and paste it to create 5 or 6 installs. My three working installs are growing too large and need thinned out. So my new install break down will be:

GA Vintage (1903 to 1930)
GA Classic (1930 to 1960)
GA Modern (1960 to Present)

Military Vintage (1903 to 1930)
Military Classic (1930 to 1960)
Military Modern (1960 to Present)

Maybe a 7th install for Commercial planes....I don't have many of those in my collection.

I need to think this through....come up with some way to save HD space...maybe do a lot of aliasing from one install to the rest.....Instead of having 7 installs of the main SCENERY folder, I could have it in one and have the rest of the installs go to it for those files. All seven installs are going to be built up with the same tweaks and mods....so anything I can do to save space I will try.


I found that with Free Track using the tirview.dll from Track IR FS9 does not work when you are using the renamed fs9.exe.

Try it in your default install and see if it works.

If it works there and not in the other it is suffering from the same aliment.
I got it fixed. The problem seems to be that I still had my installs set to run under XP Compatibility mode. Once I removed that, Track IR and FS9 went right back to playing together like best of friends. SO.....if you have Track IR and migrate to Win 7, DO NOT run FS9 under XP Compatibility Mode...otherwise your Track IR will not work.

Still having issues here. If I set FS9 up so that it does not crash on exit, then Track IR will not work with it. If I set FS9 up to work with Track IR, then the sim crashes on exit and the flight time log thing does not work and previous flights are not saved.


Don't make me go to FSX...cause it really doesn't have enough planes for me to fly.


just updated my TIR to 5.1 final, and it won't evenload, I feel your pain, going to leave it for tonight, got other things I need to do. :isadizzy:


PS. have you tried the website for support? Just noticed 5.1.3 is out, going to try that.
I am using version 5.2 of the Track IR software. Works just fine with FSX, and the interface works just fine....I can have the Track IR interface open and it tracks my head just fine.

It will work with FS9 if FS9 has not been granted full privileges..in which case FS9 crashed every time I exit the program. If I grant FS9 full privileges, it stops crashing on exit but then Track IR will not work with it.
