Fs9 assit


Ret. US Coastie/RCAF
Could someone please tell me how to uninstall Fs9 from the primary os drive. Im trying the CD and its taking a while. Also my Control panel shows its a a Boeing 737 not Fs9 so i cant remove that way. Im trying to uninstall fs9 to reinstall to my new 1TB Fs9 drive dedicated like my FSX drive keeping W 7 64 ultimate to its own drive. Any help appreciated.
Go to c:\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 2004. CLick on the Flight Simulator 2004 folder and hit DELETE. Bye Bye. After the sim is deleted, run a registry cleaner and you are set.

Registry cleaners are not good. They can screw up your registry. Best way is, after the delete, to manually remove any fs9 references from the registry. Also any addons that are in there.

Astonished no one noticed this .. :)

FS2004 (ACOF) - Misc. Uninstalling And Reinstalling FS2004
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Name: unintt.zip Size: 62,944 Date: 06-30-2008 Downloads: 2,145
[SIZE=-1] Uninstalling And Reinstalling FS2004 - Some Tips and Tricks. Sooner or later almost everyone will be faced with the need or desire to uninstall FS2004 and do a clean reinstallation. This offering - in .doc and .pdf formats - outlines the procedures with the goal of making the entire process as painless and fool-proof as possible. The recommendations are based on personal experience and the experience of many others. There may be some important items which you have never considered. Please unzip to a tempory folder. Compiled for your flying enjoyment by David "Opa" Marshall.