FS9.cfg v. fs9.cfg.txt


Charter Member
I've been delving into the nether regions of my computer in various attempts to determine why only one iteration of my FS9 installation is failing to load.

While on my journeys, I visited the folder where the config files for the different versions of FS9 are located. On my machine, this is C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FS9.

Once I got into this folder I found as expected .cfg files for all versions of FS9 that are in my machine. Two items in this list struck me as noteworthy - one called "fs9-1970s.cfg" and another called "fs9-1970s.cfg.txt". This is the only instance in the folder of a .cfg file for the sim having a "mirror image" .cfg file in .txt format, right below it. As it happens, this version of FS9 is the one giving me the hangup at the 77% (weather download) point when starting the sim. Coincidence?
That can't be a problem .. or "the problem" in your case
I have also different installations of FS2004 and so two different CFG and also the corresponding TXT files
FS20004 will check the CFG file only !
Check also the creation date ..
I think you must search elsewhere concerning your problem (a missing file .. texture .. etc..)
What you can make is to delete your CFG (be sure to save the actual) and see what happend
Anyways .. FS2004 when launched will create a new CFG file (with default settings)
FTR. when FS9 crashes and you get the "do you want to tell Microsoft about this" box, one of the things that happens is a copy of your FS9.cfg gets created and named FS9.cfg.txt.

That file is there so that it can be sent to MS if you choose to say "yes, I wanna tell MS about this".

As we know, there is nobody at MS to see that file and care about it anymore, so you can safely delete that file when you see it.

The FS9.cfg.txt is not used by FS9 and has no value, other than as a possible backup. Since it's a record of the FS9.cfg when the sim crashed it's value as a backup might not be that great.

I have seen this on my system and wondered what the text file was for. Thanks to all for to solving the mystery.