FS9 Default Installation Path


Charter Member

I bought a FS9 aircraft yesterday hoping that it would work in FSX (Aerostar 700 by FSD International), but the installer will not work, although I have made a fake FS9 installation, and added it to the registry. I did research, but I think maybe I have some folder name wrong.

Could someone please tell me what the full path is for the default FS9 installation? Also, does the Aircraft folder live in a Simobjects folder or in the root FS9 folder.


The Aircraft folder lives in the main FS9 folder, which is named FS2004.

That lives wherever you put it, but the default location is in Program Files - a location that would cause problems in any operating system since WinXP. But installers would probably look for it there. Unless, of course, you direct them to look elsewhere. Be careful about that.

Remember, one takes a risk when using those dratted installers, which may gleefully overwrite older files with the same file names (and then permanently delete them if you decide to uninstall), a problem magnified when one installs into a different sim than the one the developer designed for, which may have updated versions of older files with the same old file names. It's much safer to direct the installer to the desktop or a folder on the desktop. It will create folders and sub-folders with the necessary names and relative locations, and then you can easily move the files manually to the corresponding locations within FS where they belong.

Where they belong is typically the Aircaft folder for the plane, the Effects folder for any included effects, and perhaps the Gauges folder if you don't want to keep the gauges in the panel folder. Occasionally there may be sounds for the main Sound folder (not to be confused with the plane's own sound folder.)
Thanks Mick,

Strangely the first time I ran the installer it said it couldn't find FS2004 and asked me to browse for it. I then pointed it to my FSX installation, which has a FS9.exe file present, but the installer then said it couldn't find FS2004 and would close down. I then created an entirely new (and fake) directory for FS9 at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9" and added this path to the registry using a FS9 registry repair tool. Inside I added an Aircraft, Effects, and Gauges folder.

Now when I run the FSD installer it just says it can't find FS2004 and will shut down immediately, and doesn't even give me a chance to browse for it. I can't understand why the installer can't find it via the registry, as when I tested it using the tool that could find it in the registry no problem.

When I download things they go into Downloads,until I get to them.
Then I cut the file and send it to another folder which I think i've called FS9 Stuff...I'm not at my computer at the moment.
Inside the FS9 folder are 2 more folders Zipped and Unzipped. The new download makes a third in the folder. I click 'extract' and it asks where to, including where it is. So I extract it to this folder and there are then 4 files in the folder. The Unzipped folder allows you to see all the files and you can put them where you like.
