Fs9/Fs2004 and multi-LOD models


Hi Folks,
What the are your thoughts on multi-LOD (Level Of Detail) models in Fs9?

Are they helpful, needed, better etc etc?

Cheers Shessi
They're a mixed blessing.

It's good for frame rates when an AI plane so far away that it looks like a dot isn't being rendered in full detail in your processor and video card. But it stinks when FS renders a lower level of resolution from too close, making the plane look fuzzy or missing details. I recently deleted a very nice AI model because whenever it got more than a few yards from the viewpoint, the landing gear disappeared.

I have some otherwise excellent airport sceneries that look awfully bare on approach, then on short final the multi-LOD buildings suddenly start popping into existence.

I guess multi-LOD is great if you can get it to work properly, but I'm not sure anyone's gotten it to work properly yet, and that includes Microsoft. I've often watched the stock DC-3 in AI mode taxi out and when it gets a little distance from the viewpoint it suddenly turns black as FS shifts to a very low-res LOD that shouldn't kick in until the plane was miles away and almost invisible.

Overall, I think multi-LOD causes more problems than it's worth, at least on my system.
Done correctly, they are essential to the stuff I do.
I often have 150 AI planes on the radar, and no way would this work without 9 or so LOD available on those models.
As said above, they are quite necessary for large amounts of AI, otherwise your system will take a hit. The same kind of rules/reasons as apply to CFS2 really. You may see lower LOD models than you want sometimes, but when on the tail of a bogey, or on finals, the last thing you want is ropey frames and stutters caused by over complicated AI models. Saying that, simple single LOD AI models offer a nice alternative, I've always found Bill Lyons GW3 AI to be fps friendly, even though they are single LOD. They may not look the best up close, but I'm not getting to close and personal to often,and the illusion they create is enough for me.


Thanks for the opinions, much appreciated.

Something I'm working on at the mo.......so we'll see!

