FS9 Graphic Card Settings -- Tweaking help please...


Charter Member
Well, I've finally gotten FS9 loaded out on my new PC and I need some help in getting the graphic cards 3D settings tweaked.

The card is an nVidia GeForce GTX 285 and the settings are below:

These are from the GLOBAL SETTINGS tab in the Manage 3D Settings part of the nVidia control panel:

AS Filtering - 16x
AA - Gamma Correction - ON
AA Mode - Override any application setting
AA -Setting - 8xQ
AA Transparency - Multisampling
Conformant Texture clamp - Use hardware
Error Reporting - OFF
Extenstion Limit - OFF
Force Mipmaps - Trilinear
Maximum Pre-rendered Frames - 3
Multi-display / mixed GPU acceleration - Single display performance mode
Texture Filtering - AS sample opt - OFF
Texture Filtering - Negitive LOD bias - Clamp
Texture Filtering - Quality - Quality
Texture Filtering - Trilinear optimization - ON
Threaded optimization - Auto
Triple Buffering - ON
Vertical Sync - Force off

I have no idea what some of these settings are, so I don't know if having them set the way that they are is causing any problems.

Frames are locked at 25 FPS. In VC or in flight it's a steady 25.
AA is not enabled in the sim.

What I'm seeing is a lot of shimmering on the textures along with some jaggies here and there.

It's been quite a while since I've had to set up these from scratch so any help would be appreciated.

Are those settings using Nhancer ?, sure looks like it, so my comment would be;

Do you have the same settings set in the Profile tab, if not give it a try and you will see a difference. What you have is what I had when I had FS9 installed.
Hey Seaking055,

No sir, not using nHancer.

There's a tab next to the Global Settings tab called Program Settings and it lists FS 2004 and it has the settings that are listed in the Global Settings.

Another note: The Wings of Power P-51D's VC looks to have a white glaze tint to it where the 2D cockpit doesn't. Do you know what might cause this?
Sorry Odie I don't have your card, the only other thing I can suggest is;

Instead of supersampling, do you have an option to select "combined", your card settings are almost identical to Nhancer's

Hope that helps, if not I'm sure one of the more tech guys will soon be along.
Hi Odie
Get nHancer. The newer nVidia cards do not allow anti-ailising. nHancer overrides that default setting on the newer cards. There is a thread on this website that addressed that problem. The guru for this settting up is NickN and he can be found at (I think) the Simviation forums. Maybe someone here will remember the thread.

Hey Seaking & ibl19108,

I downloaded nhancer after doing a search on it in the FSX forum (found the thread about it) and saw that it requires MS Net Framework 2.0 or higher.

I'm running VISTA 64 and I found Net Framework 3.0 for Vista but it has two flavors, x86 and x64. Would the x64 be the one I need?

It seemed obvious, but I wanted to make sure since it appearred that obvious!
x64. But check out Simviation.com/forum/tweaks & tips. Or contact NickN there in house guru. He will set you on the right path. Worth it to do it right. Made a hard copy of my settings in case something goes belly up.

Thanks, Derek ! I'll check out the tips/tweaks forum at Simviation...:mixedsmi:
If you cannot get Nhancer to sort the card there are some registry work arounds that will get AA working that probably apply to Vista64 as well.

Hey Kurt...roger that. Just grabbed Net Framework as the first step to getting nHancer installed. Thanks !