FS9 no longer working


When I purchased my current computer in early 2013, the first thing I did was install FS9. And until recently it worked fine under Win8.0 and Win8.1 with all the necessary tweaks, etc.

Just now I went to load it up and nothing. No error message, or anything.

I never had to play around with compatibility modes, and I did try but still no luck.

So, I'm not sure where to start. Were there any M$ updates that could be causing this (I still use Disk 4 when I need to run it)? Should I reinstall (I still have all the original disks)?

I just ran it a couple months ago, and had no problem. Not sure what is going on.

Any suggestions?

Never gremlins in a PC
Or it's something change in your OS (can be anything from drivers ... to ... any update)
Or it's something change in FS2004 (added something or an involuntary mistake)
No error message, or anything
That's limit the diagnostic !! reason for my two lines above
Just my two cents
Oops. Didn't realize I posted this under Tweaks and Tips. Admins, feel free to move to the General Forum.

Anyways, after spending a couple of hours trying to get it up and running, I just decided to uninstall. I may reinstall sometime down the road, but maybe someone can shed some light on any new M$ updates that might have caused this. I recall reading some similar issues under Win10, but wasn't sure if there was anything related to Win8.0.

Hope it's not too late, maybe just delete the FS9. CFG file and see what happens. A new one will be rebuilt on start up.
Hope it's not too late, maybe just delete the FS9. CFG file and see what happens. A new one will be rebuilt on start up.
That was the first thing I did, but still no joy.

Whenever I attempted to run FS9, it went nowhere. No error message. Nothing. My guess is that something got hosed, meaning either the FS9.exe got corrupted or some other key files were missing.

I made a backup of all my addons, so some day I'll try to restore it.
Don't uninstall your original fs9 just re-name the main folder.

Then do a NEW install - if you have a C. and D. option, load it onto D. drive. By re-naming each main fs2004 folder, you can have as many installations of fs9 on one machine as you wish.

I must admit to being guilty of running 'without' disk 4 - prefer to keep it in the box. CD drives never seems to last very long on any machines I've owned.
Hi WH47,

Before doing all that, just try a few things;

1) Is your CD/DVD drive working properly? Make sure it runs/loads other discs. Sometimes they just stop working and so no fault/info box from the OS (as Nigel hints at). Maker sure your Fs9 disc is clean and free from scratches.

2) Right mouse click on the Fs9 icon/.exe file and choose to run as Administrator. See what happens.

3) If that doesn't work then I suspect your anti-virus. If you have a stand alone or M$ Defender make sure that your Fs9/Fs2000 and Fs2002.exe's are all in the permissions vault/area. It may have been put in the blocked list and so being no actual faults that why you're not getting any fault/info boxes.

4) I know we're not meant to mention the 'H' word, but rather than use the Fs2004 DVD there is another way...:eek:


I'm pretty sure Allen identified the reason. MS updates screwed the checkdisk copy protection. The solution is in Shessi's post Nr4 - run it without the disk...:running:
Some time ago I had trouble running FS9 - so long ago I can't recall exactly what the trouble was - anyway, it turned out to be a viseo card driver problem. I rolled back to the previous driver and all was well again.

I don't know what prompted me to roll back the driver. Maybe the problem arose right after an driver update, maybe it was a wild guess, or maybe someone here advised me. Whatever prompted it, the driver rollback solved the problem.

If that turns out to be your problem, after the rollback just never update your drivers again. Since driver updates are generally meant to accommodate new games, you shouldn't miss anything by not updating unless you like to add new games.
In the past, discussion of cracked exe files have been grounds to squash a thread in a hurry. Due to recent moves by MS, that is no longer the case. However... I still don't feel comfortable sharing such files on our servers, or posting direct links. That being said, Google is your best friend, just be sure to hit up the more reputable sites.

I also have no problem with sharing email addresses by PM for the purpose of sharing, as long as that sharing is done away from our servers.
CalClassic Tom Gibson discussed this issue on their boards. He recommend no-cd patch.

Just google this title will give the you the first listing.

Title of the post: ***IF YOUR FS2004 WILL NOT START UP READ THIS***
Allen nailed it above, caused by a windows update.

Trouble is the auto update will keep trying to reload that one as its tagged as a windows essential update ; (thanks ms!)
So you either have to remove that update and turn off the auto update feature; or run fs without disc with the no cd patch.

I have win10; no cd is only way fs9 will run on it.


In the past, discussion of cracked exe files have been grounds to squash a thread in a hurry. Due to recent moves by MS, that is no longer the case. However... I still don't feel comfortable sharing such files on our servers, or posting direct links. That being said, Google is your best friend, just be sure to hit up the more reputable sites.

I also have no problem with sharing email addresses by PM for the purpose of sharing, as long as that sharing is done away from our servers.

Rami said just about the same down in the CFS2 fourm. I'll say wthat I said CFS2 fourm. MS broke it so they can fix it. If they won't, MS can STFU about the No CD.exes. :redfire:

Hosting the file (or files as MS took out CFS2 as well) here maybe unwise but posting a link to a page that has it should be fine. Just telling users to go to Google is asking for a PC STD... Would that be a ITD or a ITV?
The first result you get from Google is for Flyawaysimulation. and even though they try to bug you about paid membership, they are a reputable download site.