FS9 preview panel now working in full screen mode


I don't know what's happened, but in the fs9 preview panel where you have a black panel showing meaning that you have to press crtl-alt to go into windowed mode to see the aircraft, I had an update to my Win10 2 days ago and now there is no longer a black panel and the aircraft are now showing in it, in full screen mode, without having to go into windowed mode.
Anyone with win10 noticed this?
Did that happen with the Creator Edition update? I can't tell you how gratifying it is that fs9 still works so well fourteen years after its introduction.
I still have the black preview window here.
Win10 Home Anniversary edition.
I don't remember getting any windows updates for a couple of weeks.
Anniversary edition is soo last year. We're talking Creator Edition now. You can get it by going to PC Settings and electing the update. Allow at least an hour for it, but you can use your machine while it updates.
Downwind, yes, the update was Creator Edition. I agree, absolutely, that FS9 still works so well after its introduction all those years ago.
Just had a few minutes to have a look at the four Aircraft that did not show.
All were missing the MDL file, very strange, I wonder where they have gone.
Luckily I have all Aircraft backed up on removable drives.

Happy now.

William :wiggle: