FS9 'Unlimited Export Tutorial'


Hey all,

This is the draft of the FS9 Unlimited Export tutorial.

Its about 30+ pages as I wanted to cover 'everything' so that there should be no questions. I also did picture like flow charts to show how its done as well as a few screenshots.

This is in MOV format (Apple of course) so you will need something that plays MOV format, such as Quicktime, which the base program is free download.

Click screen to advance pages.

Sorry, no background music...

Download here; http://lionheartworld.net/misc/FS9_Unlimited_Export_System_for_Gmax.mov

Let me know if you have questions about it.

NOTE: This is for people using Gmax, FS2004 SDK version. There will be a tutorial by PropTrash on doing this in FSDS. Its quite similar but X files coding is different when adjusting scales for the 4MM bypass.

Tutorial done in Keynote from the Apple iWork office suite.

Hey Full,

Most welcome.

If you started downloading that when you first saw the post, please redownload it. I found an important section not fully covered. It should be all proper now.
