FS9 Vautour


Charter Member

Just flew for the first time the FS9 Vautour of Phillipe Penot. I know it's not particularly new, but I just downloaded it last night. WOW! What a sweet-flying aircraft. You just have to think it through the sky and it'll go right where you want it to. If you've not tried it yet, I heartily recommend it!

If it's the one I'm thinking of, that package also comes with a very unique FS radar system that was specific to the Vantour. The model is eye candy in the spot view, the 2D and VC are excellent, and you are right... the plane flies like a dream.

I like threads like this, makes designers realise their creations are not forgotten and are still appreciated.
FS9 Vautour radar

Hallo friends,

I have an old and not complete copy of this ac with its interesting radar.
sadly it does not work properly in my FSGW3 version of FS2004.
I presume that there must be someting missing. can some one direct me to
where I can reload the complete original plane.
Or has some one also experianced problems with the radar?

Hallo friends,

I have an old and not complete copy of this ac with its interesting radar.
sadly it does not work properly in my FSGW3 version of FS2004.
I presume that there must be someting missing. can some one direct me to
where I can reload the complete original plane.
Or has some one also experianced problems with the radar?


Papi, you may be confusing philippe penot's Vautour (no VC) with Barney Bigard one (with a VC and stunning pop up radar).
Barney Bigard latest version bird is not available anymore (was in avsim before their hack and was not re-uploaded)

The one I have is for FS9... the latest version. it has the radar pop-up. I can't remember where I found it but it comes with an IAF paint and numerous French Air Force skins. There is another version out there that doesn't have the radar.

Is it not this one? https://www.avsimrus.com/files.phtml?action=comments&id=966&hl

-> The one on avsimrus is the fs2002 older version of Barney Bigard one, it is the latest version for fs9 version I was talking about which is not available anymore (as far as I know)

And this is the other .... http://restauravia.fr/html/creations_fs2004.html

-> this is philippe penot bird, released on restauravia website and available on others site like flightsim etc...

I hope this helps

Version 1.2 is specific to FS9. The sounds are aliased to the stock Lear 45. Let me dig around and see what I can come up with.

FS9 Vautour radar

Hallo friends,

I tried to download the specific file from avsim - plotch, file not found
and all what ifound anywhere are versions without the radar.
But there must be something with my goldenwings version of flightsim.
Because I downloaded also arne bartels ai traffic radar file
"trfrd201.zip" and it doesnot work also any reaction on the radars.
On the other hand Eric Marciano's radars free and payware work with out any problems.
WOW thats a missed masterpiece

ports seamless ( apart the gauge27=dsd_xml_sound!sound, 9, 40, 20, 20,.\Gauges\Vautour_sound.ini ) to FSX

( tiny black box in VC )




Hallo friends,

I tried to download the specific file from avsim - plotch, file not found
and all what ifound anywhere are versions without the radar.
But there must be something with my goldenwings version of flightsim.
Because I downloaded also arne bartels ai traffic radar file
"trfrd201.zip" and it doesnot work also any reaction on the radars.
On the other hand Eric Marciano's radars free and payware work with out any problems.

Not sure if the enclosed files for the radar will work in anything other than FS9, (for the FS9 version). I never had a problem with the Vantour's radar in FS9.
I was scrounging around on my back-up HD and found the FS9 Vantour Version 1.3 by Barney Bigard. Anyone wishing to have a copy of this model and cannot find it should contact me via PM. I will be more than happy to share it.

FS9 Vautour radar

Hallo friends,

allright it seems to me that I found the problem. The modle files trafic info and trafic radar xml eemed not be ok.
I changed them by the ones furnished with arend bergs radar gauge.
What is astonishing me is that those module files are older than those I had in my sim.
Bizarre !