FS9 Warning


Charter Member
I remember seeing a thread on this way back before The Crash, but can't access it now, so here goes:

I get a warning at FS9 start-up regarding "potentially incompatible" FSSound.dll and SOARRec.dll

  • Should I be concerned?
  • How do I disable the warning?
- H52
I had on about the FSsound.dll after I installed the MAAM DC3, I just removed the dll file from the modules folder and it worked fine.

Never seen the other one before though.

I am not sure wether this is right or wrong thing to do but it worked for me.

All the best
I don't know anything about the soarrec file, but fssound enable some gauges to be tied to a sound file lick a switch click. I've had a copy for years with no trouble. As said, just enable them in the fs9.cfg and you'll be fine. Just let us know if you need help finding it - it's usually in a hidden location.
I can't remeber what Soarrec.dll does exactly but it relates to gliders, I think it's part of a gliding app by Wolfgang Piper. Might be wrong about the author - it's been years since I used it. EMatheson is right, add the lines he suggests to the FS9 .cfg file and the warnings will go away.

Thanks fellas! Always knew I could get good advice on this Forum.
Now, about this weekend's lottery numbers....:icon_lol:
- H52