FS9 water. Your preferance?

Thomas J Wood

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Good morning.

Im working on the water in fs9. So this is what I have. Do you guys like it like this which is a low wave bump, or would you like it to be a bit more or extreme?

Fs9 will only take one, I could have a utility that will load in low to high bumps. Its active as well. and turns from green colors of various shades to blue depending on day/month/season.

Let me know thanks.

Water fs9.jpg
After the Base things are up dated in this sim I will write a script to isolate all the little islands and lakes and add in their own textures and mesh.
So far I have it exceeding the 4k limit. It runs anywhere on your computer, updated the .DX files to go to a new .DX. Made new clouds and layers.
Water is coming along. Land textures are getting better. Building a new UI with music. The mesh is set to 70, its the most reliable, and major air ports I might have to make the mesh 100mtx100mt to go with the curvature of the blue and white ball of hell.

When it is all done I will make a series of shaders that will put it all together and bring it up out of the stone age.

I am working on a combat element too, but that will take a while to prefect, it will be a later update.

Its coming along.

Since all I do with aircraft and water is land on it I would say the "low wave bump" would be good.

Yeah, and its looks good from the ground to 6k or 9k after that it just turns into a mirror even with the real high wave textures. I have a few tricks yet to try.
But the biggest difference is when I apply all the new shaders, it will be night and day the difference.
Ok I'm off for a week of beer drinking, wife chasing, kid yelling and dog walking....

I still have a tiling issue with the water but its getting closer every try. At least its looking like water now. Still got a little bit to do but its a positive result. Found a few issues in my last water fix that was in the video, got those fixed and tamed down the water.

Have a great evening!
water fs92.jpg
Hi Thomas, great water, and I'm looking forward to your land.

Have a good break, and let the wife run a bit faster than you, sometimes..