FS9 Weather


Charter Member
I like to set challenging customized weather for my flying, but I find that after a few minutes, my 7/8th CBs begin to dissipate and everything tends toward "fair skies".

What can I do to make my carefully-crafted weather stick around until I change it?

- H52
There's a "rate of change" slider in the User Weather setup.

But Active Sky is what you want.
I went without it for years, and I'm truly sorry I did.
I like to use the Real-Weather function and before I fly I'll see what's goin' on in the world weatherwise then try and fly around in those areas. Every once in awhile, however, the real weather is sometimes a little much for the sim and will crash it.
being as most of my flying is in multi-player events
and real weather is a requirement,
that's where i keep mine set.
i've got an older machine,
so i've got the
Sight distance:60miles
Cloud draw distance:90miles
3-D cloud percentage:60
Cloud Detail button at
Detailed clouds
cloud coverage density: Maximum

also, in the Dynamic weather box,
Rate of change:Extreme

finally, in settings-Weather Options:
Download winds aloft data with real-weather box is checked

of course, Pablo's clouds are a must have.

as far as i'm concerned,
there ain't no weather
like real weather.
but, that's just my opinion.
Thanks for all the replies, fellas.

Wing_Z: In all my years of Siming, I had never noticed that Rate-of-Change slider! I set it at "NONE" (slider all the way to the left) and that seems to do the trick. :salute:
It can only be accessed once an aircraft is loaded via Alt > World > Weather > Dynamic Weather. Strangely, it is NOT available at the opening of FS9 via Settings > Display > Weather.

I'm reluctant to surrender Pablo Diaz's clouds; are Active Sky's better?

Middle & smilo: I don't have my FS rig connected to the Internet, so that rules out R/W weather. I transfer files in/out via DVDs. At times it is bit inconvenient, but the upside is I can run w/o anti-virus and the constant barrage of Microsoft "security updates", etc. :jump:

- H52
Thanks for all the replies, fellas.

Wing_Z: In all my years of Siming, I had never noticed that Rate-of-Change slider! I set it at "NONE" (slider all the way to the left) and that seems to do the trick. :salute:
It can only be accessed once an aircraft is loaded via Alt > World > Weather > Dynamic Weather. Strangely, it is NOT available at the opening of FS9 via Settings > Display > Weather.

I'm reluctant to surrender Pablo Diaz's clouds; are Active Sky's better?

Middle & smilo: I don't have my FS rig connected to the Internet, so that rules out R/W weather. I transfer files in/out via DVDs. At times it is bit inconvenient, but the upside is I can run w/o anti-virus and the constant barrage of Microsoft "security updates", etc. :jump:

- H52
But it is available via the Weather menu accessed in the main Create a Flight screen.
I don't think Active Sky's clouds are better. Some are good and some not so much just like Flight Environment. I've tried all and stick with Pablo's. But without an internet connection AS is worthless since real weather is its primary function. The real weather cloud formations from AS looks much nicer than FS Jeppeson.
Sight distance:60miles
Cloud draw distance:90miles

Can tell this isn't in the UK!! :) Very rarely do we have wonderful visibility in Southern England. I never have mine set at more than 20 miles as think that is quite life like for my part of the world! :)
