fs_hurr_mk1_601_ufh to find


Charter Member 2015
Some suggestions where I can find this aircraft?
Thanks in advance

I seach also the "fs_he111h2_08"
I think that most of these machine where made by Foutman but they are not available on his site
I think these were from his old sets before ETO. You could PM Ton. If still a problem I have them somewhere. Why do you need the old ones?
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Heinkel He 111H series. B-Grade plane.
This plane is a conversion of the old Ground Crew CFS2 He111, added basic functionality to make it work in CFS3. Five different version with many historical color schemes.
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Click here to know more[/FONT]

http://www.regshanger.com/Groundcre...ft/He111/Ground Crew Design He111H series.php


fs_he111___versions here

I think these were from his old sets before ETO. You could PM Ton. If still a problem I have them somewhere. Why do you need the old ones?

Hello, Thanks to all .
"Why do you need the old ones?" I try to "fly" the missions I have installed , these are a set of BOB missions I found for CFS3.
i have bother versions in eto loaded and locked all work well ....yes i did need to install some old addons for the older bobs missions, no conflicts arose . and both great the old and new

love em all and then add the hobbitt misssions for the bobs ..and you got real fireworks

joshua / loverboy1
I have installed the BoB ETO Pack .
When I start the game (BoB 2) I receive an error popup for 1 aircraft and I do not know how to solve.
Thanks in advance
If you are talking about the new BoB pack, to my knowledge there is no such a/c needed. I would suggest you remove that a/c from your CFS3 folder to some other place for the moment and see what happens. It is an a/c from the MAW install as far as I know.
I moved to an other HD the folder of this aircraft and to my BIG surprise I still have the error popup!!
I also changed the extention from .M3D to .originalM3d and I still have the same error ...

What else can I try?
that pop nup previous to me says conflict or a plane to be erased . imho

if i was you iod load the new versions of eto and the battle od britain of britain missions ,,,,,,loaded in the upgrade 1.20 etc,,,,,,,

then foutes , bobs ,,,addons

and hobbits

and these for eto

This mission set contains 5 missions, Two british and three german..A large formation of aircraft are headed towards london. As the German you Must see the target is hit, or defend the bombers..There are 2 Bomber He111 and Do17 missions 1 escort mission Me 109. As the British you Must stop the attack. There are two intercept missions.. Hurricane and Spitfire..This set uses NO addons, only stock items are used. It is set in ERA 2 BOB.. It is a mission based on Fun not Fact..There are Large numbers of aircraft involved..These missions are dedicated to LoverBoy1, for his love of the Battle of Britain..I hope all will enjoy..It does take Great skill in flying to achive the Goals..Not for the faint of Heart
by HouseHobbit

ETO BOB Attack on London
This mission set contains 5 missions, Two british and three german..A large formation of aircraft are headed towards london. As the German you Must see the target is hit, or defend the bombers..There are 2 Bomber He111 and Do17 missions 1 escort mission Me 109. As the British you Must stop the attack. There are two intercept missions.. Hurricane and Spitfire..This set uses NO addons, only stock items are used. It is set in ERA 2 BOB.. It is a mission based on Fun not Fact..There are Large numbers of aircraft involved..These missions are dedicated to LoverBoy1, for his love of the Battle of Britain..I hope all will enjoy..It does take Great skill in flying to achive the Goals..Not for the faint of Heart​

A low level attack (116) CFS3 Missions & Campaigns (British)
Rase-Mottes_E1w.zip (2.5 Kb) (downloaded 288 times)Scramble with your Hurricane flight to face a low level attack ("rase-mottes") to your station on the last days of the Battle of France. For ETO Exp 1.02
by Nonato

BoB large formation scramble (114) CFS3 Missions & Campaigns (British)
BoB_large_formation_scramble.zip (3.51 Kb) (downloaded 304 times)This is a test mission to see how cfs3 manages dozens of a/c in a mission. It is written to use the ETO install & update: http://www.aussiex.org/index/download.php?list.13
by pat pattle

ETO BoB and Dunkerque missions
This is for the CFS3 ETO Expansion.

In this missions pack you will be flying in a Spitfire during The Battle of Britain and than protecting the evacuation at Dunkerque.
You need some other planes and ships from Reg's Hanger and AvHistory,it's all in the readme.
Hope you enjoy.Talon​

ETO BOB Attack on London (145) CFS3 Missions & Campaigns (British)
eto_bob_london_attack.zip (2.25 Meg)
Have you done a computer search for the med file name or even the a/c name in your CFS3 folder to see if it is lurking somewhere else?
Have you done a computer search for the med file name or even the a/c name in your CFS3 folder to see if it is lurking somewhere else?

I have a search on my entired C: HD where all my ETO, CFS3, MAW and Korea are installed = not found !!
I have installed the BoB ETO Pack .
When I start the game (BoB 2) I receive an error popup for 1 aircraft and I do not know how to solve.
Thanks in advance

I have reinstalled the aircraft and despite that I always have the error popup where it says that the aircraft will be non available I can run missions where this aircraft is present without any problem.....

Someone says that Computer science is exact .....:173go1:
Where did you get the DR_BF109E3 to load? That is causing the error message.

Did you load it from MAW?
It looks like to me, you have a part of the DR Bf109e3 but not the whole folder..
I had this problem when I transfered files from a old hard drive after a crash..
Some of the aircraft files didn't copy correctly..
I had several of these errors..
I had to locate the files and delete them and reload corrected files or replace the aircraft with a back up copy..
The DR Bf109e3 it is sending the error on Must be corrupted and needs to be removed, and replaced..
Look through your aircraft folder and open this aircraft folder( DR Bf109e3) and I believe you will find damaged files within..
It has to be there somewhere, or you would not get this error message..
Good luck..
hobbitt is correct ,,,you need to separate the games ,,,,maw cfs3 eto ...

when you dont you will get conflicts and then need to remove ...hobbitt is a genuis, he uses an old saying

I'll try to clarify my installation
* All the games are separated , on the same HD .....
* I have NO DR_bf109e3 installed , in NONE of the games
* I have in ETO a W40_BF109E3 aircraft, in the aircraft.cfg there is :
title = DR_Bf109E3
sim = DR_Bf109E3
model = DR_Bf109E3
panel =
sound =
texture =
panel_alias =
sound_alias =
kb_checklists = CheckList_DR_Bf109E3
kb_reference =
atc_id =
atc_id_color = 0xffffffff
atc_airline =
atc_flight_number = 1
ui_manufacturer = Messerschmitt
ui_type = DR_Bf109E3
ui_variation = Germany
description = DR_Bf109E3 repaint done by Foute Man www.fouteman-goes-cfs3.tk "

I installed missions in ETO called 09_bob_packages, in this mission package there is a new aircraft.cfg for the w40_bf109E-3

And when I started ETO era 2 I received the error popup.

Where the W40_BF109E-3 comes from I do not remember ... (old man)

I cannot find a new copy of this aircraft ...

Hope:kilroy: that what I write is clear ....
Any help is welcome.
Emile- Start Fresh

I am going to send you fresh files for the ETO and ETO BOB Missions. There is also the fs_hurri and the fs_he111_8, that you are looking for.

I will add instructions in the package.


Check your PM
FS RAF FS CFS 3 PATRICK DIDIER RAF BoB Fighters Shared Files (version 2)

These are the shared files for the FS Hurricane Mk 1a (version2) and FS Spitfire Mk 1a. Unzip into the aircraft's shared folder. Files can be found in separate folder called: fs_rafbobfighter_sharedv2
BoB Fighters Shared Files version 2


FS Hurricane Mk 1a UF-H version 2

FS Hurricane Mk 1a 601 UF-H

