FSD rejected me....


Charter Member
As a loyal customer of FSD, I have to say I am a bit thrown off by not being 'accepted' to the new forum!!! I have purchased every single aircraft they ever made for FS9...except the Aerostar. Darn. The e-mail said i didnt put my name in or something....it was already the toughest forum application i have ever done....then I got rejected. So....do I keep at it? Here is the e-mail:

Hello, felixthreeone!

We regret to inform you that your membership application has been reviewed and rejected by Steve FSD from the FlightSim Developers Forum administration.
The following reason was given by Steve FSD:

Rejected due non-compliance with straightforward Forum registration requirements (reason : no name).

If you feel this is all a big mistake, you are of course free to apply for membership again using different credentials for review.

The FlightSim Developers Forum team......Now personally, If this was in fact reviewed by Steve, My purchase records and other info would or SHOULD be readily accessible to him. So...If I made a mistake....SO WHAT? It is a forum registration!!! Sorry for the rant and I apologize if i pissed anyone off...
They're a tough lot...

But their Porter (and Cessna) are milestone aircraft in flight simulation.
See it as part of the price of admission ;)

And of course there's always SOH, where I got FSD help not forthcoming from anywhere else!
lol....you know....*****.....you are prob correct; I guess I shouldn't be too put-off by the 'CIA- esque' forum registration.... you make a good point.....
LOL I have to say if their aircraft were nott at least at times so far ahead of the curve, their customer service certainly could not keep them alive for one day.

Don't get me wrong, I am in the customer service / tech support as part of my job and understand that sometimes folks can drive you nuts. But in the end they do put that steak on the dinner table or in my case 100LL into my Saratoga.

In the case of their Forum I think it is probably a little bit of early days troubles, combined with typical german "it must be only done this way" attitude ( I am 100% german so it's ok for me to say that I guess ) and of course a little bit of the blame does have to go to you for not filling out the form correctly :D :D

Felix, you've been a bad boy!
You will have to stay after school and write on the blackboard
"I will learn to fill the form correctly"
100 times!
Then you must buy a new FSD model to apologize to the nice people :icon_lol:

I must say that before I bought the FSD Aerostar I had a question about the d/l vs Cd. Sent a note to the support address and got a (good, and complete) reply in about 12 hours (time zones make a difference)

After reading your original post I tried myself to register on the new FSD forums and had absolutely no trouble at all.

I am not sure what your difficulty was - the registration requires the usual sort of stuff (username, password, email address etc). If you accidentally missed something, surely you could email the guys and get it sorted out.
... combined with typical german "it must be only done this way" attitude ( I am 100% german so it's ok for me to say that I guess )

I love this one. :applause:

You might imagine that my r/l habits - being a german civil registration officer and registrar - are even worse! :d
I had no idea the team was from Germany. My 2c worth is that requests for support have always been responded to promptly and efficiently (LOL, ~Another German characteristic :)) Requests for new keys after HDD crashes have always produced a near instant response.
My only frustration is that they haven't followed same path as others of redoing some of their bestsellers to bring them up to current standards. The Avanti and T38 are two of my all time FS fav's - imagine a T38 as good as the Section F8 Sabre, or a new build Avanti with Rockwell glass cockpit...


"Don't mention the war"
LOL just got my confirmation today...so I guess this means i must purchase the Vision jet when it is released for FS9 to make up for my embarassing error....:icon_lol:
I'd be interested in seeing that too, esp with the Garmin avionics. I'm awaiting Lionhearts Epic Jet (patiently) and given the avionics in that will be about third generation development-wise, a comparison will be interesting.

lol well we will see if the FS9 version sees the light of day anytime soon...and I would love to get my hands on the MU-2 they were at one point working on...:ernae:....we shall see..........
Actually...upon perusing the FSD website this evening, I guess I should change the title of the post to read 'FSD rejecting us fs9ers!'...since I just went to their website and all references to an FS9 version of the Vision jet have been removed....oh well damn another one I was looking forward to...looks to be DOA...maybe i will hold on to that one last shred of hope....
Sorry to hear you are having a forum problem, which is a first for me...lol. I can understand a problem with a sites product but to have a problem trying to join their forum is a new one on me. They lost me for a customer forever due to blame, but I have seen Steve in here trying to correct their PR. Hope it works out for you...Mike