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Charter Member
A heads up in case some of you haven't heard.

The company went broke a few months ago. I've emailed back and forth some with Justin Tyme and can relate a few details. He is essentially homeless and living with different friends off and on. Another company from Utah has taken over and products are being sold through FlightSim. In fact I just bought the Central America mesh there.

How did this happen? He says it's from selling lifetime subscriptions. He sold about 1000 of them over the years and those folks (including me who bought one about a year ago) never had to pay for future products. All "legacy" mesh is, for now at least, still at his web site and can be downloaded. So essentially he took the money and later made excuses. I'm not telling any secrets. This is all public knowledge. I truly believe he could have done it differently and stood up to his obligations.

I'm not happy with this after paying money for a lifetime benefit and then paying again for mesh as it comes available. He still produces new mesh for the new company. Also, he sold Nordic packs over a year ago which included Finland but has yet to produce that country. It's now almost a year past due while he produces other mesh. He said he'll do Finland after the southern andes. I'll believe it when I see it.

Anyway, that's the story. If any of you have FSGenesis lifetime memberships, it is now worthless. Sorry if I sound a little bitter.
Sounds like he took a chance on attracting many many customers with these subscriptions and then lost when he didn't get as many as he needed.
Well, this isn't the first time that a "lifetime" subscription or membership turned out to mean the lifetime of the seller rather than the buyer, and it won't be the last. Judging by Justin's present personal situation, it looks like the whole fiasco has done him a lot more harm than it did to any of us subscribers.
~ Likewise ~

Glad to find this thread. Figured there may be one here regarding another broken promise in the F$-World. Having been out of the loop for quite a while & just getting back, this news of FSGenesis finds me with an dull ache in my gut for the last 4 days since receiving the news. Had thought shot I'd shot Justin a note saying hello & that my Galaxy Legacy downloads could not be found at the website. No response, not unusual considering the history. My second query days later again addressed Justin, a bit of friendly light talk as always & this is what I receive back...


Dear Galaxy Membership Customer,

When FSGenesis was started 10+ years ago, nearly all of the data that we
used came from publicly available sources, and therefore had no legal
agreements or royalties associated with its use. However, to get the very
highest quality data for our products, FSGenesis made a move approximately
3-4 years ago to begin purchasing and licensing these higher-detailed data
sets to produce amazingly high quality scenery. Starting at this time, no
new Galaxy Memberships were offered for sale on our website any longer.

There are 2 important points that need to be mentioned:

1st – Because the terms of the Galaxy Membership violate our service
agreements with those that now supply the data used to create our
high-quality Flight Simulator terrain, we are forced to discontinue all
aspects of the Galaxy Memberships going forward. We understand this was
not the original promise, and we are sorry to go back on that initial
position. However, even the newest Galaxy members have had well over 2
years of all-you-can-eat content, which we hope has been a very fair
trade. Unfortunately, we will not be able to grant access to any
previously downloaded or un-downloaded content.

2nd – The Galaxy Membership program ultimately led to the financial
collapse of the original FSGenesis company. There is now a new management
team, and we are trying rebuild the structure of the company to be
financially viable and continue to bring you the quality and service you
are used to. Unfortunately, unlimited software downloads of all products
our website is not something that we can offer any longer. Nor could any
company that hopes to stay in business.

We hope you can understand our position on this matter, and apologize for
the inconvenience it may cause you.


FSGenesis Team

My Open Response:


The short & sour: First, I've been out of circulation for years on highly personal business, just getting my sim back up & running after literally losing it all. This loss of even my prior downloads is most difficult to deal with at present & is yet another broken promise in the world of Flight $imulation.

Yes, after purchasing a fair amount from FSGenesis back in the day I'd happily purchased a Galaxy Lifelong Membership for $200 as well as another $50 One Year Membership for a well-deserving simmer, though in the background I advised Justin more than once that the Galaxy Memberships were not going to be a good way to keep the company viable. Subsequently, the few times whenever requesting a back-up CD of FSG products to be shipped at no additional charge as a part of the deal, I always paid an extra amount of at least $5/CD to help allay expenses. Always. Years go by, then increasingly turned off by the steady stream (bombardment, if you will) of "begging for bucks" emails from FSGenesis & the increasingly bad feeling I was getting from them after sending several gifts I finally unsubscribed from the emails years ago as did many others.

From communicating with other (ex-)Galaxy members it would seem that not so much as a heads up was ever given to Galaxy members to take one last advantage of your purchased membership while you can as it is ending. Could go on & on recounting history but suffice it to say that there is much more. As a disabled veteran living on a small, fixed monthly income then & now, am here to say that the over $500 personally spent at FSGenesis counting numerous gifts is big bucks compared to many, half a month's income even now.

Now you make excuses, excuses not being reasons in my estimation, for FSGenesis going back on the original commitments. Now you speak of what you cannot do. Perhaps you would be business prudent to do what you can not do, such as providing prior downloaded products for a limited time after notifying every FSGenesis Galaxy member of the limited window of opportunity. Maybe when a customer sends you personable correspondence that you will in the future respond in kind with a little personality, even signing a name would be better than the copy/pasted email recently received from you. Not the best way to attempt restructuring a business. It's much more than being all about the money. It's about establishing relationships.

Yes, you are certainly free to do as you say. Am so gravely ill of hearing about freedom any more. Am wanting to hear more about honor. Will look elsewhere for it as well as for my flight simulation products.

David Wayne Walker
Ontario, Oregon

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