FSGW3 Stalls Out


Charter Member
I've run into a little glitch, I think, with my FSGW3 installation. For some reason clicking on the ".exe" starts the sim but it won't go beyond that. It hangs up at that point and I do not even get the "viewing" pane for selecting aircraft, creating a flight, and so on.
Usually, something like this is caused by a bgl file in a scenery folder. If you've recently added some, you might need to move it to another folder and see if the sim will load. If it does, then you need to look for the offending bgl which is a painintheass. I do it by a process of elimination.

If this started without a scenery addition, look for some other kind of recent addition. Other than that, I don't have a clue. Sometimes computers can drive you crazy. You might have to delete fsgw3 and start over unless somebody has an idea.
I agree it's most likely a scenery BGL issue. Another possibility is an aircraft BGL or more likely a gauge file, either one associated with the aircraft trying to load, though that usually crashes it after the viewing pane as the flight tries to load.
Thanks for these tips. That's the reason, I guess, for keeping a pristine copy of FS9 on the disk, with the original add-on scenery folder where I think most of the .bgl files are. I'll check them out using the trial and error method recommended.

Before I go that route I have one other question - is it possible to get this opening-screen lockup by changing or adding .bmp texture files in the Scenery/World/Texture or Texture folders?
I doubt it very much but trying something that can be taken back doesn't hurt.

My trial and error method is to first find the folder. Move all your third party folders. Usually it's best to just uncheck them but that's not possible. You'll get a ton of error messages when you start the sim. Just ignore them. Assuming you get into the sim, then uncheck all the folders except the default. Then check a few at a time until you locate the folder. To find the file, I usually move half the alphabet and try again. Keep doing this until you find the offending file and delete it. It's a real pain in the ass but after you've done it 5-6 times, it gets easier.