FSUIPC error


After a fresh install of FS9 I converted it to FSGW. Now I find that neither AFCAD nor ADE165 will connect with FSUIPC which it claims is an error 12. I suspect this may be due to FSGW renaming the program to FSGW in the registry, but I don't know how to correct it. Could it be because there is no pure FS9 on my PC?
Place copy of gw .exe renamed as fs9.exe in your gw folder , IIRC there was something about
Golden Wings needing a dummy fs9 in same folder for things to work.

Check out the old hangar forums, you might find answer there.


Place copy of gw .exe renamed as fs9.exe in your gw folder , IIRC there was something about
Golden Wings needing a dummy fs9 in same folder for things to work.

Check out the old hangar forums, you might find answer there.



No, it's not that. FSUIPC and aps that depend on it work fine in my GW on my current and previous confuters, and I've never had to put a bogus FS9.exe file into the GW folder. It must be something else.

There are some aps that require a bogus FS9.exe to fool them into working, but not FSUIPC.

Could it possibly be something as simple as putting FSUIPC into the modules folder after the GW conversion rather than before...???
After I installed FS9 I did not change the folder name or the program name to FSGW because I had no intention of having two installations. So all files and the folder read FS9. But the program says Golden Wings when loading so I am wondering if there is a change in the registry causing it.