FSUPIC problem


I reinstalled FS9 on my D drive but when I try to install FSUIPC 3.999z8 I get an error message saying that another version of FSUIPC is installed and I get a CTD.I uninstalled FS9 and reinstalled but am getting the same thing when I try to install FSUIPC.Any Ideas?
Sounds like when you uninstalled FS-9, not all files were removed from your pc. Remember there are FS related files in other locations then just the Flight Simulator folder.

After uninstalling FS9, use the following link to verify that all files/folders and registry links are gone. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/888846
Search your comp for a fsuipc.dll file. If it finds it, delete it.
Then defrag your drive and restart the pc before trying the new install.

Let me know if this helps.

I'llet you know

I't getting a bit late so I'll give it another go tommorw. I would say your right about not all the files were uninstalled,but when I did a search for fsuipc.dll I came up with nothing found.When I reinstalled last time and tried to put fsuipc in I noticed it went in really fast,I just clicked the installer and right away it said fsupic was installed.When I was able to check the modules folder there was only one fsuipc dll.present, I tried to delete it but it said it couldn't because it was "open in another file",but it wasn't.
I hate the way Windows 7 does a search, XP was a lot easier.
I'am wondering how vital having fsuipc really is. I only download freeware scenery and planes although I do install FSGlobal 2005 and Wings of Power.The link that you gave me didn't have Windows 7 I went ahead an deleted everything by hand as when I tried to uninstall useing the disk or control panel it wouldn't uninstall.Thanyou so much for your reply ,I'll give it another go and get back tommorw.
hmmm, never had a problem like that. When I update, it just overwrites, no complaints. z8 installed over the last version no problem in 4 different FS9 versions. You might try the forums for Pete's stuff.


the link to his forum is on the page.
so far so good

I renstalled FS9 on D drive (for the fourth time) and used the older version of FSUIPC 3.999z5 and although it installed with one click like the last time I tried FSUIPC 3.999z8, so far all seems ok.I tried everthing I could to delete all the old files but since it installed so fast and the fact that when I put the first disk in to begin the reinstall, it already said it was going to install to my d drive I think there were some files still left over.It seems as if the old install was burned into the disk,although I know thats not possible.It even had Version 9.1as the FS9 version before I even put the update in,although the little bridge thingy for the uninstaller wasn't there in the root folder till I ran the FS9 update.So if past experiance means anything I'll be back (as Arnold said). Thankyou all who replied to this and my other post (on making multiple installs).and Happy Holidays to all.
Couldn't tell if you checked the Modules folder for scraps. In the FS9 main folder there is a folder called Modules, I believe all parts of FSUIPC live there. I checked and found 5 files that start with FSUI... When I had to reinstall FSUIPC I deleted all those old files from the Modules folder and I recall had no issues that way. However, if you have an older version by one that works, I'd stick with it and maybe revisit the task later, if it works, it works. What FSUIPC does is well explained here.. http://secure.simmarket.com/pete-dowson-fsuipc3.phtml. The first paragraph reads..

FSUIPC: Flight Simulator Universal Inter-Process Communication
FSUIPC is an add-in for Microsoft Flight Simulator which provides an interface for other programs to read and write all sorts of pertinent data relating to the simulation, and in many ways even to control the actual process itself.
It is an essential ingredient in many add-on FS programs, and, in fact, may be installed on your system by any one or more of them already. For many such programs you do not need to actually purchase FSUIPC. That deal, for their access, will often have been already done by the add-on program makers.
But, in addition, FSUIPC contains a number of useful features for you, the Flight Simulator user, features that can assist you setting up the best simulation environment and making the best of what you have. It can do this because, by its very nature as an interface program, as a “puller of wires and pusher of switches” on behalf of external applications, it is also in the best position to help you do the same.
Hi Aeromed

Thanks for your reply.At least now I know that FSUIPC is kind of important to the functioning of FS9.Since the version I have installed now is the version I had in the old install and it's working so far i'am going to stick with it.I had checked the modules folder before I tried to put the new version in and it didn't show anything FSUI so I can't understand why I was getting the error message and ctd.
Since I have 90 backup cd's of stuff it's going to take a very long time to get FS9 back to it's former glory(I use the term loosely).
I still also would like to know why it said version 9.1 before I even installed the update.They wern't new disks by any means.
The fact that the 9.1 version showed up after the re-install, confirms to me that there was still info on the drive related to your last install.

The fact that all is working fine now is all that matters.

For future re-install search w google for a fs9 uninstall tool. After performing a regular uninstall of your fs9 you will run that tool, which will remove ant remaining info.

If you are re-installing on an existing hdd, make sure to format the drive before installing anything back on it. Reason for that is that when deleting files from the drive, they are actually still on the drive, but unable to be seen. Formatting the drive will take care of that (really erasing the drive would require specific software!).
Also, installing FS in a folder wit ha different folder name can be a resolution.

For now I wish you a Happy New Year, and lot's of fun flying hours.

You might be on to something

I got my first MS2004 (the one in the metal box) I think in 2005, so I know it wasn't updated.If you were to go to some of my earlier posts this year I had problems with that one when trying to reinstall for the first time on Windows 7.I had bought a backup copy in the cardboard box but I'am not sure when, so maybe it was updated.
I'am going to do a web search for the FS9 uninstall tool ,sound like a good thing to have.