FSX 2D Gauges Not Showing


Staff member
Hi all, I have a problem with a current FSX model and can't seem to fix it, I even consulted with Milton via TeamSpeak and via email but the problem persists so I thought I'd throw it out there in case anyone else has seen similar issues.

The problem is that I have made a planar in Max, assigned a gauge material to it using the $-sign prefix for the texture name as required and checked the box to mark it as a VC texture, I have also assigned the relevant gauges in FS Panel Studio but the gauges do not show up in the sim. I've tried all sorts of fixes and tweaks but nothing will make the gauges show up on the planar.

Here is a screenshot taken from the sim. The outside of the model is mapped and has a texture but the inside (VC) has not been mapped yet (apart from the planars) as I am still making parts. The odd thing is that although the gauges do not show the tool-tips for the gauges do show as can be seen.

Anyone seen this before or got any suggestions? I was just going to throw some 2D gauges in to allow for testing but for the amount of time I've wasted on this so far I could have built and coded 3D gauges!


  • Gauge_issue.jpg
    96.1 KB · Views: 4
Please post your VCockpit01 section.

EDIT: Larry and I talked again. One of the anomalies that happens is if all parts are not mapped for textures (but some are), random parts will not show. This may be affecting the display so Larry is testing that by temporarily mapping the remaining unmapped parts.
Hi Milton,

Further to our last conversation on TS I did throw a quick and dirty mapping over the entire VC components and the gauges showed up so I guess you can't have unmapped parts behind the gauge planar if you want to see the gauges! DOH!

Lesson learned!